Chapter 3

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We moved past the towering gates of the castle's outer wall, the path led down to a bustling village nestled within the protective shadows of the mountain. Unlike the still, quiet world of snow we had just left, this place was alive. Fae of all shapes and sizes filled the streets, their glowing forms moving gracefully between vibrant market stalls, their laughter and chatter filling the air like a soft melody. The village shimmered with a subtle magic that seemed to pulse through the very stones beneath our feet.

I could feel your awe before I even looked at you. You walked beside me, your eyes wide as you took in the life around us. This world was unlike anything you could have imagined, so full of light, color, and joy. Fae children darted through the streets, chasing after glowing wisps of light that danced around them, their laughter ringing out like silver bells. Couples strolled arm in arm, their wings brushing gently against each other, sharing soft smiles and stolen glances. Even those who worked, the market vendors, the artisans, seemed to move with an effortless grace and contentment that must have been unimaginable to someone from your world.

I watched you out of the corner of my eye, a small smile tugging at my lips as I saw the wonder in your expression. Humans always pictured us as cold and distant, creatures of danger and trickery. But here, in the heart of my kingdom, you were witnessing the fae as we truly were-alive, connected, and full of love for one another.

A pair of fae passed us, their skin shimmering with golden light. The male's hair was a deep forest green, long and braided down his back, while the female had silver wings that fluttered with each step she took. They nodded in respect to me but cast curious glances your way. It wasn't often a human walked among us.
You didn't seem to notice their attention, too caught up in the sights around you. I could see the way your eyes lingered on the food stalls, exotic fruits that glowed faintly under the soft light, delicate pastries shaped like stars, and drinks that shimmered with a faint, iridescent glow.

"Try something," I said, my voice breaking through your awe. I gestured toward a stall where a fae woman with lavender skin and deep purple wings was offering small, glowing fruits. "You've come this far. You should experience more of our world."
You hesitated for a moment, perhaps remembering the stories of fae food being dangerous for mortals. But the temptation in your eyes was clear. You stepped forward, reaching for a small, jewel-like fruit that pulsed gently in your hand. The vendor smiled kindly at you, her wings fluttering as she waited for you to taste it.

When you bit into it, your eyes widened. I could see the surprise and delight play across your face as the sweet, cool flavor melted on your tongue. "It's... amazing," you said, your voice low with wonder.
I smiled softly, watching you experience my world in a way few humans ever had. You were still cautious, I could sense that, but there was no denying the way this place enchanted you.

As we moved deeper into the village, you continued to watch, mesmerized by the harmony of it all. Fae couples twirled in the square, their laughter light and carefree, while vendors called out in melodic tones, their voices blending with the music that seemed to rise from the very earth. The air was filled with the scent of flowers that bloomed year-round, their petals shimmering under the soft glow of the lanterns that lined the streets.

After a while, I turned to you, catching the look of pure wonder in your eyes as you watched a pair of young fae children chase after a butterfly made of light. "Is this what you expected?" I asked, my tone curious.
You shook your head, still taking it all in. "No," you admitted. "I always thought the fae were... dangerous, distant. But this..." You glanced around, taking in the laughter, the smiles, the shared glances. "This is so... alive."

I smiled at that, feeling a warmth in my chest that I hadn't expected. "We are not what your stories say we are," I replied softly. "But perhaps, you are seeing us for the first time."

We continued walking, the path leading us toward the towering gates of my castle. As we approached, I glanced back at you, wondering how this night had shifted things between us. You had seen a side of my world few humans ever would, and yet, there was still so much more you hadn't yet understood. You had stepped into a realm of magic and danger, yes, but also of love and life-and I couldn't help but wonder how much farther you were willing to go.
"Come," I said, gesturing toward the grand entrance. "The night is still young, and there is much more to show you."


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