Chapter 10

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Illaria's POV

The morning sun filtered through the intricate stained-glass windows of the council chamber, casting soft beams of light across the room. I sat at the head of the long, polished table, my mind heavy with the meeting to come. My court was waiting, seated in their usual places, their expressions ranging from curious to concerned. The discussion today was one I had been dreading, but it could no longer be avoided. The presence of Amos in our realm, a human among fae, had raised questions—questions that now needed answers.

Haggai, the eldest among them, sat closest to me, his ancient eyes wise and knowing. His long silver beard matched the age in his bones, yet his gaze was sharp. Next to him was Philemon, who seemed barely able to sit still, his restless energy always palpable. Lamentations sat with a serene expression, her presence bringing a calming aura to the room, while Jude, ever bubbly, bounced her foot under the table, eager to hear the day's discussion. Obadiah, with his critical frown, leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, as if already anticipating a debate. Hosea sat quietly at the end, his demeanor as unreadable as ever, while the twins, Siloam and Shiloam, mirrored each other in posture and expression, sharing their usual silent connection.

I took a deep breath, letting the calm settle over me as I prepared to address them. "I've called you all here today to discuss an important matter," I began, my voice carrying the authority I had long mastered as queen. "Amos, the human who has been living among us these past months, cannot remain here indefinitely in his current state."

The room was silent for a moment, the tension hanging thick in the air before Haggai spoke first. "It is a delicate matter, Your Majesty," he said, his voice slow and deliberate. "The human has proven to be of no threat, and yet... the laws of our ancestors remain. A human cannot stay in our realm for long without consequence."

Lamentations nodded, her soft voice adding, "The magic of our world is not kind to humans. It will begin to wear away at his soul, slowly at first, but inevitably. The longer he stays here as he is, the more danger he faces."

Jude, ever the optimist, leaned forward, her eyes bright. "But isn't there beauty in what he brings, Queen Illaria? The way he marvels at our world, the way he finds joy in the smallest of things? It's been... refreshing to see life through his eyes."

Philemon snorted, his fiery temperament already surfacing. "Refreshing, sure. But the laws are the laws for a reason. He can't stay like this forever. It's dangerous for him and for us. We can't risk the balance of our magic."

I stayed silent for a moment, absorbing their words. They were right. The ancient laws, passed down through generations, were clear. A human in the fae realm was an anomaly, and while Amos had brought no harm, the magic that sustained our world would not show him mercy. If he remained as he was, it would consume him, piece by piece, until there was nothing left but a shell of the man I had grown to care for.

Obadiah, ever the pragmatist, finally spoke, his voice cutting through the quiet like a blade. "The facts are simple. He either leaves, or he undergoes the ritual. There's no other option if he is to survive."

The twins, Siloam and Shiloam, exchanged a glance before speaking in unison, their eerie synchronicity always unsettling. "He has stayed longer than any human before. The magic has already begun to affect him. We have felt it."

A shiver ran through me at their words. I had sensed it too, though I had tried to push it aside. Amos had seemed more tired lately, his eyes occasionally dulling as if something unseen was slowly draining him. I had hoped it was just the weight of his past catching up to him, but I knew deep down that the magic of our world was beginning to take its toll.

Hosea, who had been silent until now, finally spoke, his voice low but certain. "The queen must make a choice. The human cannot stay as he is."

His words, though few, held a truth I could not deny. Amos had to make a decision soon, or I would have to make it for him.

"I have not yet spoken to Amos about the full consequences," I admitted, my gaze drifting to the stained-glass window that depicted the history of our realm. "He knows about the ritual, but he does not fully understand the urgency."

"You should tell him, Your Majesty," Lamentations said gently, her eyes filled with understanding. "He deserves to know what lies ahead, and to make his own choice."

I nodded, feeling the weight of the conversation settle over me. I had known this moment was coming, but now that it was here, I wasn't ready. How could I ask Amos to make such a decision, knowing that it could cost him everything?

"Very well," I said, my voice steady though my heart raced. "I will speak to him. But I will not force his hand. Whatever choice he makes, it must be his own."

The court nodded in agreement, though I could feel their collective unease. They had given me their counsel, but now the decision lay with Amos—and with me.

As the meeting adjourned, I remained seated, my thoughts swirling like a storm. Loving a human was dangerous. It was forbidden. And yet, despite everything, I could not deny the feelings that had grown between us. The ritual could save him, but it would change him forever. Was that something I was truly willing to ask of him? Or would it be better to let him go, to spare him the risk and pain?

I sighed, standing from my chair as the council members filed out, each casting a final glance my way. I knew I had their support, but the weight of the decision was mine alone.

And so, I made my way to Amos, knowing that the time had come to face the truth of what we had both been avoiding.


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