Chapter 1

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November 6th, 1823

The first time we laid eyes on each other was November 6th, 1823. It was a snowy day, the world around me blanketed in piles of white, quiet and still. The storm had passed, leaving the meadow untouched and glistening in the pale light. I had always loved the peace of winter, when no humans dared to disturb the land, too afraid of the cold and what might be hidden beneath the frost.

But you came.

I sensed you before I saw you, the warmth of your presence so out of place in this frozen meadow. Curious, I stayed hidden among the trees, watching as you stepped cautiously through the snow, unaware of what lay just beyond the edge of your world. You looked... ordinary at first. Just a man, bundled up against the cold, your breath fogging the air. But as you moved deeper into the clearing, I could feel something shift.

I revealed myself slowly, stepping into the open, though the snow didn't crunch beneath my feet the way it did under yours. You stopped, eyes widening as you caught sight of me. I could see the shock in your face, the disbelief. I had seen that look before in others, the moment when they realized what stood before them wasn't human.

I felt your gaze on me, but I didn't move. My kind is known to be wary of humans, but I was more intrigued than wary. Your kind had such short, fragile lives, and yet you walked with a confidence I could never understand.

For a long moment, neither of us spoke. I could see the fear in your eyes warring with curiosity. You had probably heard the stories, the warnings about meeting the fae people. The danger. The enchantment. But still, you didn't run.

And neither did I.

I couldn't help but notice how different we were.

Your features were soft, your eyes a striking gray rimmed with white, gentle and calm like the winter sky. My eyes, however, burned a deep red, glowing like embers in the snow. Where your long, silver hair fell in smooth waves past your shoulders, mine was black as the night, thick and wild, cascading down my back like shadows creeping over the land.

You stood there, a figure of warmth against the cold, while I felt the darkness of my own presence envelop me. My wings, large, black, and sharp were a stark contrast to the stillness of the snow, unfurling behind me like the midnight sky. Your pale, flushed cheeks were so full of life, while my own skin remained cold, untouched by the wind or the frost.

I was tall, slim, and impossibly rigid, my form stretched and dark against the soft, snowy landscape. Next to you, I felt like a creature born from the very shadows of winter, where you seemed like a fleeting light, a part of the world that lived and breathed in ways I could never fully understand. The contrast was undeniable. You stood there, mortal and fragile, while I..dark, ancient, and eternal, was everything your kind feared in the night.


Okay this is the first chapter I hope it was good this is my first time writing like a long ish story I have written stories before but mostly short so I hope I did good!!

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