Chapter 7

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Amos's POV

That night, I slept more soundly than I had in years.

The bed in my chambers was like nothing I'd ever known-soft and warm, the sheets light as a breeze, yet heavy enough to keep me anchored. The air smelled faintly of the flowers from the garden, and the low hum of magic seemed to wrap around me like a comforting embrace. It was the kind of peace I hadn't known I needed until I had it.

For so long, sleep had been a battleground. Nightmares of the past, of my mother, of the betrayals and loneliness, had always plagued me. But here, surrounded by the quiet strength of this place and knowing Illaria was just across the hall, I found something close to serenity. It felt strange, almost foreign, but I welcomed it. My body finally let go, and I drifted into the deepest rest I could remember.

When I awoke, sunlight was pouring into the room, golden and soft. I lay there for a moment, blinking at the brightness, feeling the weight of the morning in a way that wasn't heavy or filled with dread, but... calm.

For the first time in years, I didn't wake up with a knot of anxiety tightening in my chest. There were no echoes of the past whispering in my ear, no sense of dread for the day ahead. Just quiet. Peaceful.

After getting dressed, I left my chambers and found Illaria waiting for me. Her usual regal demeanor was present, but there was a softness in her expression when she saw me, almost as if she, too, had found some rest last night.

"Good morning," she said, her voice calm yet warm.

"Morning," I replied, a bit surprised at how at ease I felt. "I think that's the best sleep I've had in... well, in a long time."

Her lips curved into a faint smile. "The magic of this realm has a way of offering peace to those who need it."

I didn't reply, but I felt it-the sense that I was, somehow, where I was supposed to be. Even if I hadn't fully decided on staying yet, being here already felt right.

We walked together to the dining hall, where breakfast had been prepared. The table was smaller than the one from last night, more intimate, with platters of fruit, warm bread, and strange but fragrant dishes I hadn't yet learned the names of.

I sat across from Illaria, and we ate in comfortable silence for a while, enjoying the food and the quiet sounds of the castle around us. I couldn't help but watch her-how different she seemed now, without the weight of the crown or the responsibilities of her people pressing down on her. She was still a queen, but in this moment, she seemed more... human, if that made sense.

"This is beautiful," I said after a while, looking out at the view beyond the dining hall's windows. The morning light bathed the gardens, and the distant sounds of life-fae laughter, birds chirping-filtered in.

Illaria nodded. "It's always been a place of refuge for me," she admitted. "After everything that happened... it's the one part of the castle that still feels untouched."

We continued eating, our conversation light, but there was an unspoken understanding between us now, a bond that had formed in the wake of our shared pain. She knew my darkness, and I had seen hers. Yet here we were, together, in a place where the light seemed to reach us both.

After breakfast, Illaria suggested we explore the gardens again, and I was more than happy to agree. The day was warm, and the air carried the scent of blooming flowers as we wandered through the winding paths. The more time I spent here, the more it felt like the life I had left behind was just a distant memory, something I had lived in another world.

We spoke of lighter things-of the history of the fae, of the creatures that lived in the realm, of the beauty of the world around us. For a moment, it almost felt like nothing else existed but this-no past, no pain, just this present moment.

I found myself laughing at one of her stories about a mischievous fae creature that had once caused chaos in the village. Illaria smiled at the sound, a genuine warmth in her eyes that made me feel lighter than I had in years.

"You should laugh more," she said softly as we paused by a small fountain, the water dancing in intricate, magical patterns. "It suits you."

I looked at her, feeling that familiar tug in my chest. "Maybe I'll find more reasons to, here," I replied.

She nodded, her gaze lingering on me for a moment longer before she turned her attention back to the garden.

We spent the rest of the day walking, talking, and simply being. It was strange, how easily I fell into this new rhythm, how natural it felt to be here with her. For the first time in so long, I wasn't haunted by the shadows of my past.


I hope yall are loving it so far let me know what yall think!!! <33

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