Chapter 9

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Illaria's POV

Seven months had passed since Amos first entered my world, and in that time, my life had changed in ways I never anticipated. What began as an obligation-a simple act of mercy toward a human-had evolved into something far more complex, something that now weighed heavily on my heart.

Amos had become more than just a curious outsider. His presence was a constant, one I had come to rely on, and with each passing day, I found myself drawn to him in ways I couldn't fully understand. It was as if, through him, I was rediscovering parts of myself I had long buried beneath the weight of my past.

But with that growing connection came an underlying fear. A love between a fae and a human was not only unheard of but also forbidden. I had already crossed lines by allowing him so deep into my life, into my realm, and I could feel the tension building within me, a battle between what I desired and what was right. To care for a human was dangerous-dangerous for me and for him.

There was the ritual, of course, the one that could change him. It lingered in the back of my mind, an option that could bridge the gap between our worlds. If Amos chose to stay, he would have to make the choice to become fae, to undergo the ancient transformation that would turn him into one of us. And yet, even that was fraught with risk. The process was ancient and unpredictable, and not everyone who undertook it survived. Could I truly ask him to risk his life, his humanity, for something I wasn't even sure I could offer him?

More troubling still was the fact that my feelings for him were becoming harder to ignore. I found myself looking forward to the moments we spent together-exploring the gardens, wandering through the fae villages, sharing long conversations beneath the stars. His gentle nature, his quiet strength, and the way he marveled at my world all stirred something within me that I had long kept buried.

But there was danger in those feelings. I had seen what happened to those who allowed themselves to fall for someone outside of their own kind. The fae had rules, strict and unyielding, designed to keep our realm and its people safe from outsiders. My role as queen demanded I uphold those rules, no matter what my heart told me. To openly love a human could threaten everything I had worked to preserve-the stability of my reign, the trust of my people, and even the safety of Amos himself.

Still, I couldn't help but wonder if things might be different with him. He wasn't like other humans. There was a gentleness to him, a purity of spirit that made me feel... safe. Despite his own pain, he radiated a quiet strength that I had come to admire. It was that very quality that frightened me, though. The more time I spent with him, the more I found myself slipping further into a place where my heart ruled over my logic.

As the months passed, I could sense that Amos had begun to care for me in return, though he never voiced it aloud. His lingering touches, the way he looked at me when he thought I wasn't watching-all were signs of feelings that mirrored my own. But neither of us had dared to speak of it, as if saying the words aloud would make the truth undeniable and the consequences unavoidable.

I tried to push the thoughts away, to remain the queen that I was supposed to be-strong, composed, and unyielding. But it was becoming harder each day. Every time he smiled, every time he shared a part of his past, I felt my defenses weakening. There were moments when I caught myself watching him, wondering what life might be like if we could truly be together. Yet, the weight of the risks always pulled me back to reality.

Could I truly risk it? Risk him? And if I did, would he even survive the ritual? Would he want to?

These questions plagued my mind, even as we continued to spend our days together. I hadn't yet spoken to him of the ritual, though I knew the time would come when I would have to. But for now, I allowed myself to live in the moment, to savor the time we had, even if it was fleeting.

I kept my growing affection for him locked away, hidden beneath the duties of the crown, pretending that the feelings wouldn't continue to deepen with each passing day. Yet in the quiet of the night, when I was alone with my thoughts, I couldn't help but fear what might come next-whether I could ever allow myself to follow my heart, or if I would have to let Amos go before it was too late.


They both are facing an inner turmoil I hope they can pass *fingers cross*

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