September - J.O

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Warning: mentions of suicide

3rd Person POV:

Y/N Y/L/N was one of the most relatable celebrities anyone had ever met.

Her wife, Jenna Ortega, would describe her as someone who was strong enough to take care of herself as well as care for others when she's in a troubling mindset.

September was Y/N's busiest month; especially since she was an annual speaker for a Suicide Prevention Program. She'd come out every year and share experiences or feelings of suicide.

She was a fan favorite — people chose her for her rightful wording of each topic and the fact that she understood. She made people feel seen, which was what anyone could have ever wanted.

"This month, like every year, is a very important month. We look out and see humans everywhere, maybe thinking or judging that no matter how they look, act, feel, we say things about these people despite what they could be battling." Y/N kept her head high, her hands stuck to the podium she stood behind. Jenna watching with a proud smile. "They could have what we describe as the most perfect life, have the happiest smile on their face, or laugh all the time. Yet, we don't know what they could be dealing with on the inside. I, who knows very well of depression and suicidal thoughts, have learned to never assume things. It's cliche but, never judge a book by its cover." A small laugh erupted through the crowd, making Y/N smile slightly.

"Whether we believe or not, we're all humans and of course, it's our first time living. We won't be perfect, we won't always be happy, and we won't always be laughing. We'll feel sad, or depressed, or angry even. We just have to help each other with that if we want it or not." Y/N concluded with a clear of her throat. "Thank you again for your time, I love you all."

Applause was spread through the sea of people, fans, friends, and family. Y/N made her way backstage as Jenna wrapped her arms around her wife's waist, a hug forming between them.

"I'm so proud of you." Jenna whispered in Y/N's ear, leaning up. "To get up there to speak on behalf of yourself and everyone who's ever gone through it, it's so brave. And courageous." Jenna pecked her wife's cheek with a warm smile. "I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, baby." Y/N blushed a little, feeling all warm and bubbly inside from Jenna's words. "That's means a lot more to me than you realize."

I've struggled a LOT with my mental health and inner demons since I was 10, I almost went through with suicide when I was 11-12.

Now I'm 16 years old, maturing and slowly realizing, that no one other than myself will ever care more about my mental health.

I've begun a process of trying to better myself. I'm not perfect, obviously, and maybe taking the time to reflect will be really good for me. I'm ready to try and heal, maybe move forward.

I know damn well it won't be easy, or a short period of battling, but I'm tired of feeling like shit everyday of my life. I want to be able to feel like I'm living for myself and my future, not just surviving.

P.S: I'm always here if anyone wants to talk, my insta is in my bio so don't hesitate to hit me up. I love you all so so so much and I'm so proud of you for being where you are now, good or bad. I'm proud.

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