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reminder !! when hao is speaking in chinese, "it looks like this." when hanbin's speaking chinese, "it looks like this."


it just describes how he felt a little

( now playing ... poison - e'last )

it was monday morning, about 20 minutes before they had to leave for school. over the weekend, the boys hung out even more with each other. they had became extremely comfortable with the other and 'attached at the hip,' as renjun had teased. hanbin loved holding hao's waist, loved embracing the taller, he even loved the elder's not-so-harmonic snoring. he was falling hard.

hao loved how hanbin held him, how safe he felt in his arms. it was alarming, though, as he didn't think it was normal to feel this safe and happy. hell, aside from how happy he felt with hanbin, he felt disgusted with himself. he hadn't even thought about what he was eating the past two days- as his thoughts were full of hanbin, hanbin, hanbin. he started thinking about how much he probably gained and unconciously snuggled into hanbin, his face moving the crook of his neck to seek comfort.

hanbin put a hand to hao's head, softly brushing his fingers through the elder's hair. "what's wrong, hao?" he felt hao tense for a moment before relaxing again. "just nervous for school today i guess. we're getting our presentation assignment partners.." he really didn't want the new girl nor guanting. song kwangsun. even her name left a bitter taste in his mouth. hanbin hummed in response with a silent nod, embracing hao in a warm, comforting hug.

hao stood up after freeing himself, stretching. "i'm gonna go fix my face and hair real quick," hao walked off the the bathroom in a hurry. he touched up his makeup and hair, sighing in the mirror while looking at his face- upset by the appearance of cheeks. he added a little more contour to his cheeks before returning to hanbin. when he got back to the living room, he took a picture of the scene in front of him. hanbin was still sitting on the couch,  but now demon was laying on his shoulder, biting his ear. and hanbin was just giggling at it. (guys i literally know like ZIP about makeup coz im an uneducated man sometimes, but i hope contour is the right word?)

hao walked over and picked the kitten up, placing him on the couch. "he has a bad habit of biting ears because of me, sorry" hao apologized. 

"you bite ears?" hanbin asked pointing at his other ear, "this one feels left out!"

"that's not what i mean and you know it!" the two bickered for another few minutes until they decided it was time to leave.

- quick fit check -

hao's wearing:

hao's wearing:

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