21 || ⚠️

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( now playing ... on rainy days - beast )

peering out the bedroom window, the two were greeted by a breathtaking winter wonderland. soft, fluffy snowflakes cascade from a leaden sky, blanketing the world in a thick layer of pristine white. each flake twirls and dances through the air, as if caught in a slow-motion ballet.

the trees stand tall and elegant, their branches weighed down by the delicate snow, transforming them into shimmering sculptures. the ground is a smooth, untouched canvas, save for the occasional paw prints of a wandering squirrell or the faint imprint of a child's sled.

in the distance, the rooftops of cozy houses peek through the frosted branches, their chimneys puffing gentle wisps of smoke into the chilly air. the whole scene is hushed, as if the world is holding its breath, the only sound being the soft crunch of snow underfoot.

a soft glow emanates from the window of a nearby home, where the warm light spills out, creating a comforting contrast to the cold outside. the atmosphere is serene and magical, inviting them to curl up with a blanket and a warm drink, soaking in the tranquil beauty of the snow-covered landscape.

as they lay together, the soft rhythm of their breathing filled the air, a gentle soundtrack to the moment. hanbin shifted slightly, pulling hao closer, his arm draping protectively over the elder's shoulders. the warmth of their bodies mingled, creating a bubble of intimacy that felt both new and reassuring.

zhang hao felt his heart flutter, the shy thrill of being so close to hanbin sending waves of warmth through him. he nestled his head against hanbin's chest, the steady thump of his heartbeat a soothing lullaby. it felt safe here, enveloped in the scent of hanbin—faintly musky with a hint of something vanilla, a smell that was distinctly him.

"are you comfortable?" hanbin asked, his voice low and gentle, as if not wanting to break the spell of the moment.

hao nodded, his cheeks tinged with a light blush. he loved how hanbin seemed to anticipate his needs, how he could be both gentle and commanding at the same time.

hanbin chuckled softly, brushing a strand of hair from the taller's forehead. "you're so quiet. what's on your mind?"

hao hesitated, the words caught in his throat. he wanted to share everything—the way his heart raced, how every touch felt electric—but he worried his shyness would betray him. instead, he glanced up at hanbin, his eyes bright and earnest.

"i... i just like this," he finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. a warm smile spread across hanbin's face, and he leaned down, planting a soft kiss on hao's forehead. "me too," he murmured. "you don't have to say anything. just being here with you is enough."

the reassurance melted hao's shyness a little more. he felt a wave of courage and shifted closer, his fingers brushing against hanbin's hand. it was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes. the younger glanced down, his expression softening further.

"see? you can touch me," he said playfully, intertwining their fingers. "i promise, it's safe."

zhang hao's heart raced at the invitation. he squeezed hanbin's hand gently, the simple connection igniting a warmth that spread through him. hanbin responded with a playful tug, pulling hao even closer, their faces just inches apart.

"maybe we should stay like this forever," hanbin teased, his breath warm against hao's skin.the chinese male felt a smile break across his face, his shyness momentarily forgotten. "i wouldn't mind that," he replied, his voice growing steadier.

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