12 || ⚠️

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(this goes back a little bit to when hao was still in the shower. also matthew and him have an inside joke in this story where hanbin calls him hyung bc of a silly mistake matthew made when he first transferred to korea.)

( now playing ... dessert - hyo )

hanbin sat on the bed, back against the wall, knees to his chest, and phone in his hands. he was bored, so he scrolled through his instagram. eventually he saw a post by one of his favorite accounts and clicked on it, each of the 10 slides resonating with him on a deep level. he suddenly felt the phone buzz violently so he looked at his notification bar to see a message from matthew.

6 new messages from: wettyu_matt

wettyu_matt😏: hanbin

are you busy

please answer

bro fucking ANSWER



hamster🐹: sorry wookie bear

whats wrong

are you soky

and im free rn

wettyu_matt😏: good bc i need your single ass' expertise

incoming video call from: wettyu_matt

[ accept ]

hanbin placed the camera in such a way that all you could see on the other end were his nostrils. "hyung~" he answered the call with an goblin voice. the canadian burst into laughter, hanbin joining immediately. "wurt up canada boyyy," hanbin asked with his limited english abilities. matthew giggled again before sighing, "canada boy's having some boy trouble. binnie help mee," matthew replied with a pout.

"what happened matt?"

"so you know how i have that HUUUUGE crush on gunwook?" hanbin replied with a nod. "well, now there's this other guy that was added to the equation. i don't know if i like him, or if it's because he reminds me of gunwook..but," he pouted.

"well, i'll need more context matt-"

"shHHH i know, i know." he rolled over onto his stomach, kicking his feet on his bed. "jiwoon hyung is so sweet and cares a lot..and flirtatious. gunwook and i mutually liked each other and he's like literally the most amazing person. im actually SO conflicted. because what if gunwook doesn't like me anymore?? what if he never comes back?? i miss him like crazy, and i don't want jiwoon hyung to feel like a rebound.. and if i'm not 100% certain before moving forward with him, that might happen. i guess i'm just scared to even think about moving on?? but like they both make my heart flutter and i get all shy around them." matthew pauses to take a breath after his nonstop spew of words.

"you know gunwook works at melting point cafe, right?" hanbin could tell by the look on his face that matthew did in fact not know. "WHAT!?!?!?!?!?"

"yeah.. anyway, don't rush. take your time to think it through. that way, you won't hurt anyone, including yourself. i do enough of that for the both of us," hanbin nodded at his joke, trying not to laugh. humor is the best way to cope! matthew immediately gave a knowing look, the corners of his lips quickly going down, but ultimately agreed. "ok well, thank you for solving my boy issues for now~ imma go play games until the break of dawn then question why im tired! BYE WOOKIE BEAR" hanbin chuckled.

[ call ended: 14m 29s ]

hanbin sighed as he plugged his phone in and stared at the ceiling. he started an intense thinking session while waiting for his hao. 'wait, my hao?? there's no chance..' he frowned a little at his thought.

during his intense thinking session with the ceiling, he mainly thought about how hao made him feel. "how i get nervous, feel more confident, more secure... how i'm always thinking of him... always thinking of ways to get closer to him... how i'm able to be myself and feel happy around him." while thinking of all this, hanbin concluded that he sounded stupid because, "i would never in a million years be good enough for hao. hao deserves someone that could make him happy. someone without so much emotional baggage."

it was then that he realized he may or may not like hao as more than a friend.


"you lowkey gave me two seconds," hanbin chuckled, patting the spot next to him. "im gonna go take a shower, but you should choose a movie." he smiled as he grabbed some stuff for his shower.

as soon as hanbin left the room, hao covered his red face.

when hanbin reached the bathroom, he clicked the play button to start his music and set his phone on the counter.

( now playing ... trouble - evnne )

hanbin was about to hop into the shower but froze in his tracks when he saw a notification. it read: 3 missed calls from doyoon hyung 💔. and another notification that read: 1 new message from doyoon hyung 💔.


. 755 words .

uh oh~ i wonder what hanbin's ex is up to..

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