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( now playing ... xo (only if you say yes) - enhypen )

hao's face blushed a furious hue of deep reds. no one had ever really asked before, especially not this directly. he felt the, now familiar, heat of butterflies dancing throughout his entire body - he's ninety percent sure that hanbin could feel how fast his heart was beating. hao bit at his bottom lip as he thought as fast, and accurately, as humanly possible - about how he had rarely been thinking of kwangsun or guanting as of late, how all he felt towards those two when he saw them was a mixture of guilt and anger. he didn't sense the same feelings he had for them just a week prior. hao, now proud of himself for either moving on or starting to move on, snapped back to reality with a goofy grin.

the two held eye contact for a moment, taking in each other's presence at it's full. hao carefully examined the younger's face; his doe eyes that made his heart flutter, his well kempt eyebrows that complimented his face, his perfectly rounded nose, and lastly: how perfect hanbin's lips looked. they seemed softer than the last time they kissed, a perfect natural red tint complimenting his face extremely well.

hanbin did the same, observing hao's face as closely as he could - hao's eyebrows and nose forming the most stunning t shape, hao's gorgeous phoenix eyes, the mole under his eye adding charisma to his already perfect face. lastly, he glanced at the elder's perfectly plump, naturally pink lips.

when their eyes met again, hao replied, "yes."

though it was just barely above a whisper, it sent a jolt of warmth through hanbin's entire being. he watched hao, his gaze still tracing the delicate lines of his face, memorizing every detail. the way his eyelashes fluttered with every blink, the way he nervously bit his lip - it was all so endearing, it stole the breath from his lungs. hao was so ethereal.

he leaned in slowly, so if hao changed his mind he could back away, though the thought sent a pang through his chest. the air crackled with unspoken anticipation, the space between them shrinking with every passing second. hao's eyes met his own, a silent question passing between them. hao's breath hitched, a soft sigh escaping his lips, which was all the encouragement hanbin needed.

the kiss was tentative at first, a gentle pressing of lips, a hesitant exploration. but as the warmth of hao's breath mingled with his own, a slow burn ignited within him. his fingers found their way to hao's soft cheek, his thumb gently stroking the elder's skin. he tasted of sunshine and something uniquely him, something that made hanbin's heart ache with a sweetness he'd never known.

when they finally broke apart, it was with a reluctance that spoke volumes. their foreheads rested against each other, breaths mingling in the space between. no words were spoken, as none were needed. the lingering warmth of the kiss, the unspoken emotions swirling throughout their bodies, said more than any words ever could.

the two made another round of eye contact, emotion filling their pupils to the brim, before closing the gap again. hao tilted his head to deepen the kiss, eyes comfortably closed. he felt hanbin's hand at the nape of his neck, gripping lightly at the hair that laid there. hao gasped into the kiss, sighing quietly as hanbin tugged at his hair carefully. he felt hanbin's arm and hand tense for a moment before returning to how they were, hanbin's other hand on hao's chin, pushing it up slightly to better angle their kiss.

they both pulled away momentarily, to breathe and speak, sentences broken with small gasps for air. "i think we should stop there..i'll lose control if we don't.." hanbin whispered between breaths, his forehead leaning against hao's.


"...that was amazing, hao."

hao smiled shyly, placing a quick and sweet peck on the younger's lips, reciprocated for that short second. the two shared glances and smiles for another minute before hao placed his head on hanbin's chest again. "who knew you liked your hair being pulled.. you threaten to throw shoes at me if i mess your hair up in the morning..." hanbin poked hao's nose, both chuckling with goofy smiles.

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