Chapter 3

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Rose was getting changed, Alec wondering how she managed to look so good in just sixty minutes but supposed she didn't really have to work at it. Tonight, he would tell her what was wrong with him, not that he wanted any sympathy so maybe he would get her to say she would stay first but she was right on one thing, another week would be nowhere near long enough.

While Rose was getting ready, Alec found somewhere to take her using the internet on his phone and booked a table for seven thirty then he went out and hoped the supermarket just down the road was still open and went to get her some flowers and chocolates. He got back just before seven and knocked on her door.

"Wow, are those for me? Thanks. You're gonna make this difficult for me aren't you? I was going to start packing you know."

"Then put it off, for now and see if you still want to leave on Sunday morning. I decided I would take you somewhere nice tonight, if that's ok?"

"I'd like that, are you trying to show me off?"

"Oh yes Rose, I want to show you off."

He admired the simple red dress she was wearing, showing off all her best features.

They walked up the road to the Italian restaurant, even though he wasn't supposed to each rich food, he managed something plain but got away with it and he allowed himself half a glass of red wine. He bought her another red rose while she was in the ladies room and presented it to her when she came back into the bar area.

She thanked him by kissing his cheek. "Thank you, that's really sweet. What am I going to do with you? I think I'm going to call that newspaper reporter who said all those nasty things about you and get her sacked. Does she have a vendetta against you?"

"From my last case. Don't worry yourself about it, if you're going home on Sunday. Are you Rose?"

"Alec, what then? Another week, two weeks, it won't make it any easier. I only booked my room until Sunday morning."

"I'm sure Miss Fisher would be delighted for you to stay but you could move into my room."

"Mine's bigger, she gave me it specially, don't know why though, it's not like I'm famous or anything," she joked.

Who was she kidding? Alec wondered if he would feel the same if she was no-one, then reckoned he would but would others treat her the same? It would get that Olly Stevens out of her face, he had seen him that morning watching her as he got a lift from her to the station. If she stayed, he would have to introduce her to Miller, it hadn't mattered so much since he thought she was leaving. He had called at the pharmacy and was hoping he would get a chance to ask her if she wanted to go further, if the subject came up.

"Well let's go back then just maybe I can persuade you to stay a bit longer?"

They went back to her room, Alec just going back to get a change of underwear for the morning, Rose was waiting for him in a stunning nightdress though why she had bought it the other day, she had no idea but had got it on a whim since she had fancied Alec since her arrival and he had never even made a move on her.

"Wow, you look gorgeous, though I'm disappointed you didn't wait for me to undress you, maybe next time?"

Neither of them knew at that moment if there was going to be a next time. After some more brilliant snogging on the bed and Rose keeping her underwear on, she seemed contented, giggling at how big she thought he was.

"So, were you going to tell me what was wrong with you? 'Cos you seem ok to me."

"I wish I was ok Rose but I don't think you need concern yourself. Why don't we go out somewhere tomorrow? I can drive your car, if you let me? What about that security system?"

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