Chapter 1

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Arissa woke up to the sound of her alarm clock that played " Just Dance". Which is her favorite song when she got up she had to let her eye adjust to the sunlight starting to come through her window she watch as the sunlight started to fill her room. As the light came through the window you could begin to see her wall decorations. They were mostly pictures of her with members of her family, and one picture that sets right next to her on her night stand there is a picture of her with her whole family. It is her second favorite picture after the one that had her real dad which sat on top of her dresser, so she would see it every morning. As the sun was half way to filling her room with light you could see the bookshelf and her computer desk that were in a corner across her room right next to the window, and right on the other side of the room was the door as the light kept coming you could see her movie shelf that was filled with all her favorite movies. You could see all her Star Wars movies and her scary movies. When her room was completely lite up with the sun's light she got up and went down stair's when you walk outside of her room door there is a long hallway with 5 rooms. The rooms were her parents, her sisters, and her brother also there is a bathroom both up and down stairs. As she walked down stairs she heard voices in the kitchen.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs there are two ways to get to the kitchen. One way is a strait walk through the hall that would lead strait to the kitchen, and the other way is when you reach the bottom of the stairs you turn a 100 degree angle, and it will lead to another hall way with a closet that hold all our cleaning appliance's. It also leads to the front door but before you reach the front door there are to open ways the one on the left leads to the dinning room and the one on the right leads to the kitchen. Also the dinning room can lead you to the living room. If you go to in the dinning room you would walk around the table and everything than there will be another open door area and when you walk out of it and turn right you will walk down a hall way until you reach the living room. Also if you walk down the stairs and turn 90 degrees right and walk down that hall way it will also lead you to the same room.

When Arissa took the first way to the kitchen so that she could sneak up on who ever is in there. When you reach the door area there is a refrigerator there so that you could stand at the door way, and no one can see you there unless they are at the stove which is clear walk way with the door way. when you walk into the kitchen there is a little bar area in the middle of the kitchen and on the side closes to the other door way there are some stools there, and you can not see the stools unless you poke your head around the refrigerator.

When Arissa reached the door way she would move very quietly so she could listen to see who was in there and see what they were saying. As she sat there she realized that the voices were her mom "Hera" and her sister "Sabine". She heard them talking about colleges. Sabine was 17 years old she was going to turn 18 in 2 months she already knew what she was going to be, but she got offered two scholar ships. One of the colleges was one state away, and the other was half way across the United States. The college was in California an we live in Maine so if she moved all the way to California she would not be able to visit as much. Arissa hearing that she my go to that college made her stomach twist because they already have one child gone far away. Arissa's older brother went to college when she was 10 he has been gone for 4 years now his name was Gerazeb but they called him Zeb thinking about Sabine leaving made her feel sick to her stomach. She just closed her eye's and just stood there for a minute, and tried to think of what to say to get them off that subject. Then she walked around the refrigerator and when they saw her they stopped talking and looked at her.

"Good morning sunshine." said Hera

" Hey." said Arissa

Arissa walked over to the coffee pot and pored her a glass of coffee, and her mom started talking about how we may go and do something today if my stepdad gets off work early. My stepdad's name is Kanan he married Hera 2 years after Arissa and Sabine's dad's death. He use to work for the government so he traveled a lot, and one night he was over in London when his second night the hotel caught fire he got on to the fire escape but he was passing a window when he heard lady crying. The lady was pregnant so she needed help he got her out but he didn't when she got on the fire escape he was about to get out the window when the floor fell through and he fell 4 stories. He was the only one who died in that fire . They did not know what started the fire some people think that some started the fire but they don't know who. It was hard for Arissa to get over his death and she didn't like her mom dating someone else but she realized that he wasn't so bad and that he had a lot in common with her and Sabine. Like, he like Star Wars and so did his son's Ezra and Zeb. It bugged Arissa a little bit when they got married but she got over it know they don't think of each as step-dad, step-mom, step-brothers, or step-sisters. They all got along when they were kids and they get along now.

So they sat there and talked when there was a sound at the door it was Kanan. When he saw use in the kitchen he told use that we were going to town and we were going to go and shop look around and just hang out. Then he asked if Ezra was awake that's when me and Sabine realized that they were going to get to wake him up. Sabine and Arissa had their special way of waking up the boy's because all the boy's were deep, deep, sleepers. The girls were also deep sleeper's well Hera and Sabine. When Arissa is asleep she would wake up if she heard anything out of the ordinary, and one night that was very handy. It was about 6 years ago it was 2 in the morning everyone was asleep and Kanan was off work that night well Arissa was asleep then she heard some rustling down stairs she woke up to look at her clock it was exactly 2:17 in the morning, so she went down stairs and in the living room she saw a figure moving around she ran back up stairs grabbed her cell phone and dialed 911. While she was on the phone she grabbed her little Maraca and went into her parents room, and shook it next to Kanan's ear he woke up,and she told him that someone was down stairs and that she was on the phone with the police.

Sabine and Ahsoka both ran up stair's and Ahsoka grabbed her little Bull- Horn and Sabine grabbed her Air- Horn they both sneaked into Ezra's room Ahsoka turned on the Bull- Horn. When Sabine blew her Air- Horn Ahsoka screamed " 10- 4 HUT" The Sabine Did the Air-Horn " TIME TO WAKE UP!"

When Ezra's head popped up the two girls told him to get dressed that they were going some where. When they got Ezra up the girls team to their rooms.

When Arissa got to her room she already knew what she was going to wear. She has her own style it is a style she got from Star Wars.

She puts on a shirt with the attached skirt, and the top of the shirt goose all the way around her neck it is a burnt red color, her burnt red tights that have little Diamond shaped cuts on the side, her burnt red no- heel boots that go up to get knees, her burnt red fingerless gloves that go almost up to her elbows and she has an arm bracelet with cut out diamond shapes, and under the glove on her right hand was her bracket that was had a triangle on it that said "Be Brave" on it. When she got done with getting dressed she fixed her hair. She went into the bathroom and did get original hair style with was a French braid into a pony tail.

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