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        When she was finally done she met everyone down stairs for a quick breakfast. When they loaded up in the car they were deciding what they should do. They all go to choose on place to go and it went youngest to oldest sop Arissa choose first. First they went to the book store, then the hunting store, than a clothes store.


  When they were done they had to make two more stops at the ATM, had and a clothes store down town that  Hera bought her work clothes from. When they went tho the ATM it was in a parking lot, and on the other side of the painting lot was a gas station. So Arissa and Hera went to the ATM while the rest went to go get gas. The ATM was in a big box like building out was mostly windows and there were only two ATM's in there. So while Hera was getting some money Arissa looked out the door and saw a person standing there with a winter coat on but it was summer and broad daylight. It was also like 90 degrees outside. The guy just did there and you could not see his face like it was cover with some kind of material. When Hera was done she saw Arissa starting she asked if she was "ok". Arissa showed her the man Hera said that it is probably just a new person in town. But what was weird when Kanan and them were driving back he ran off.

When they went to the store they all piled out of the car and went inside. The store was call Navy Blue it is where Hera loved to get her work clothes. When they went in the store there were a few people. While Hera looked for her clothes Sabine and Arissa went to look around. Arissa didn't like shopping for clothes but she would look. When she was looking at some jeans she noticed 3 men come in the store together. 5 minutes after those men came in each h one was at each wall of the store except the front. Than another man came in the store that's when her pulled out a gun and fired three shots at the roof and everyone got down. Then the other guys also had guns and than she realized that they were all wearing black. They told everyone to stay down and stay quite. Arissa tried to stay still but she realized that her family were on the other side of a clothes rack the reach her hand over and moved the clothes over and made sure they went looking when she scooted the clothes over it made a rattling sound. Arissa pull her arm back as fast as she could. The guy stood there for a while than walked off. She tried it again, and when she got their attition she found out that Ezra wasn't over there with them.

They had everyone stay quite  and they would start seperating people and moving them they moved a little girl next to Arissa . Than the leader of the noticed that the man at the register reach for the phone. He had him stand up and he shot the guy in the chest. The little girl started crying and Arissa kept telling her it was going to be "okay" and she put her arms around her. The man said that she would be next if she didn't stop crying, but that freaked her out even more so she cried more. Arissa looked up at the man that was watching them.

"Saying that will not make her stop, it will only freak her out even more." Arissa told the man.

The guy walked over and grabbed her, but before he could lift her off the ground Arissa started hitting him. Than she swang at him and knocked him in the mouth

"LEAV HER ALONE SHE IS JUST A KID." She yelled at the man

He realized he was bleeding he looked at the other guys then reached down and grabbed Arissa. He pulled her up, but she started fighting he slapped her, but she didn't stop. She punched him ,kicked him until he let go. Than he was able to twirl her so that her back would be up against his chest, and he could have a good grip around her. Kanan slightly stood up like he was waiting. Then he jumped up, but the man that had Arissa was ready. He pulled out the gun and fired at his chest. Hera was next to him putting pressure on the wound. The men then started to back out of the store with the gun to Arissa's head. But she tried to fight back but the man had a good grip on her and was tall so she did not have leverage to do anything.

When they were out of the store they dragged Arissa out to an ally and through her in the back of a van. When they took off someone blind folder her, tired her hands together with zip ties , and pushed her to the corner away from the door. When she knew the guy wasn't back there she removed the blind fold and went to the door and she was able to open it. When she opened it she almost got jump but the guy grabbed her and pulled her back. She kicked him and tried again, but the guy got on top of her and held her down. When he was holding her down she tried to get a good look at his face, but she was only able to she his eyes staring right into her. But she was able to grab some sort of metal and she hit him in the head with it he fell over and she thrashed for the door than all she saw was black. The man knocked her in the back of her head with mental pip.

When Arissa woke up she saw that she was in a closet, and she was chained to a wall. She looked around for some kind of sharp object, and luckily there was a belt close enough she grabbed it with her foot. She used the buckle and picked the lock and got free. She ran over to the door and peeked out and saw that there was no one it was just a dark room with a little sunlight comming through the window. When she opened the door. She saw that the room she was in was a bed room. That almost looked like the one at home. When she thought about home she remembered Kanan getting shot. She tried so hard not to collapse on the floor and cry her eyes out . She stood there for a minute and thought about what she had to do. She ran over to the window but it was bullet proof glass.  So she over to the door and listened for voices. There were was no noise just silence. She reached for the door knob, but before she touched it she looked around and she noticed a red flashing light above the door. She tought that they would have some kind of trap or alarm just in case she tried to get out . She crawled onto the desk chair and used the sunlight to see, but she had to hurry because the sun was going down. She needed something to open the alarm. She looked all around the room and she found a letter opener. She got it and  pried the alarm open she also used it to press the deactivation button.

When she was done she took the letter opener and the belt as she walked out the door. It was pitch black where was only a little light that came from a lamp down stairs. When she reached the bottom of the stairs it lead to what would be a family room. But instead of a friendly place there were chains attached to the wall and another desk. With  nothing on it and a file cabinet next to it. When you walk strait from the stairs it would lead to the kitchen and I actually looked like a kitchen and there was a door in the middle of it. Also at one end of the kitchen  was a back door, and the front door was down a hallway next to the stairs. She thought that they would think she would go to the front door so she went to the back she put her hand on the knob than she stopped. She looked up and saw the red flashing light but this one she had to put in a password she wasn't going to be abl to prie it open. She went over thet desk, found a flashlight, and went through it and friends found two pieces of paper both with numbers  on it. She looked at both numbers and she realized that was the city zip code.  She but the code in and it opened but she took the other piece of paper with her. She grabbed her weapons, and flashlight, and ran out the back door.

She ran until she found a barn than she went to it and looked around for a house but she didn't see one. She did find a  ladder that lead to a platform with a window.  She looked in and saw a couple of guys sitting at a table playing cards. She listened to their conversation and she realized that they were talking about the robbery. She quickly and quietly climbed down then took off running.

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