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 A few minutes after all the gun shots Sean came running into the house. The found Arissa sitting on her hip that was facing to opposite direction of them with her feet on the table. She had the looks of fear, betrayed, confusion, and anger. When they came running through the door Arissa didn't move she just stared at the phone that was on the table. Sean ran over to her and tried to get her to look at him and to tell him what happen.

"Arissa... Arissa... Arissa."

She finally broke her stare and looked at Sean.

"What happened?"

Arissa was quiet for a few seconds before she decided to answer.

"Well, I was getting ready to watch a movie, then the phone rang, and some guy was calling. He sounded like ghost face from Scream. He knew my name and told me that you'll were living to me. I didn't believe him."

"Ok, than what happen?"

"I found this."

Arissa reached behind her and pulled out the mask.

"What is this Sean?"

"It's my..."

"Why when I touched it stuff started coming back to me.  The stuff were my memories."

"What do you remember?"

Arissa told Sean everything that she remembered. Sean had a look of fear on his face. She looked at him with a look of concern.

"Guys can we have a minute?" Sean asked the crew.

Everyone piled outside.

"Did you even send out a post that you found me. Oh wait, probably not sense your the reason I'm here!"

Arissa stood up and headed f for the stairs, but Sean blocked her path.

"I didn't want you to know because I knew you would hate me and leave me."

"I wouldn't hate you, I wouldn't like you, also you don't know if I would have left I mite have stayed! But you lied to me so that's why I hate you!"

"Listen I'm sorry, but I couldn't let you leave!"

Arissa pushed past Sean and when she got to the are stairs she stopped in her steps.

"Also I know your the one who shot my dad."

She walked up the stairs to her room.

"Sean you need to come out here!" Yelled Amanda

When Sean walked out the door he saw everyone looking at the living room window. There were bullet hoe's in the window, but luckily the window's were bullet proof.

" What happened with you and Arissa?" May asked 

"She found out what really happened."

"How?" Peter asked

"It was a trap set for me to fall into."

"A trap by who?" Amanda asked

"An old friend. We all need to go inside he could still be out here."

They all piled back inside the house and locked all the doors. 2 hour's after the incident with Arissa Sean went to go talk to her. When he looked into her room he saw that she was awake reading a book.


"What do you want?"

"To talk to you also to tell you that I also got a call from that man and that's why we came running in there. It was a trap that was set by this man. Did he make any threats to you?"
"Yes, I told him that I was going to hang up. He said that if I dead he would kill me. Also if I didn't do what he said about going into your room and look in your night stand. That he would come down and do it himself and that I would die knowing. Also something about my mother, how I was pretty like her and that I would pay for her wrong doing's."

"Well we will fix this."

Sean sat there for a minute like he was thinking. All of a sudden he wore a face of sadness. He told Arissa "good night." He walked out her room and went into his. When he walked in sitting on his bed was Amanda. They sat and talked all night.

When morning came Arissa woke up regular time  She was dressed and when she walked down stairs she found everyone awake. When  she reached the bottom of the steps everyone stood up.

"Arissa?" Sean said


"I'm sorry that I lied to you and because I did that we are letting you go."


Arissa got a big smile on her face but it faded at the thought of leaving.

"Yeah, well all the girls will take you home, but before you go here's my number to keep in contact. Also if that man call's again you let me know . He shouldn't but just in case."

"Thank you."

Arissa took the number and gave him a smile. After she told everyone "by" and gave them hugs her and the girls piled into the van. They headed out while they drove they would talk about different things.

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