Chptr 9: Luck or Fire

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   •Yeppo - "Pretty"
   •Appa - "daddy/father"

Happy Reading ^-^

*ding dong*

I put my laptop aside and stood up from the couch to check the door. Before I could open the door, I can already tell who's outside, based on the loud talking from outside. When I finally opened it, I'm right, five shining and dazzling boys are in front of my door.

"HI~!", they said in chorus then, one by one, they hugged me before walking inside. First was Taemin, then Onew, then Key. And when it's Jonghyun's turn, he hugged me but didn't let me go. He wrapped his arm around me and was about to walk me inside the house, but before we could step, Minho grabbed Jonghyun's shoulders from behind and move him aside.

"Nuh-uh, Hyung. Not your date yet.", Minho said then wrapped his arm on my shoulder and we entered the house. Jonghyun just glared at Minho and followed.
We found the boys  who walked in first already comfortable in the living room. I took my laptop and sat back on the couch.

"Jaei, we need your help.", Onew said.

"With what?"

"We're running out of ideas on how to pick your next date.", Taemin explained.

"I told you, hyung. Just pick randomly since it's just Minho and me.", Jonghyun said while he's busy watching me as I browse to my laptop.

"No, that's not good. This is our last challenge so we shouldn't let it just pass.", Onew disagreed.

"And it's unfair. You should suffer too. Until now I can't even look at noodles.", Key shivered as he remember his Jjangmyeon experience.

Then silence followed. Everybody was busy thinking about the next challenge. I continue browsing to the episodes of a korean variety show that I missed, when a selection caught my eye...

"Luck or Fire.", I blurted. They all looked at me. "Let's do Luck or Fire for the last challenge. How's that?"

Onew, Key and Taemin looked at each other then smirked.
"That's perfect! Let's start now. We'll be making the 'FIRE'.", Onew exitedly stood up.

"To the kitchen!", Taemin led the way to the kitchen. Followed by Onew.
Key pulled me up, "C'mon. You'll be making the 'LUCK'.", then we headed to the kitchen leaving Minho and Jonghyun with worries and nervousness on their face.

After a few minutes, we went out of the kitchen. Onew and Taemin are carrying a big plate each with big rolls of rice cakes stuffed with either 'luck' or 'fire'.
When they placed the two plates on the living room table, Minho and Jonghyun looked at each other and gulped.

"Are you going to join too? Why are there so many rice cakes?", Minho asked while looking at the big stuffed rice cakes.

"No, it's just right. You'll be doing 7 rounds.", Onew said. It's he's idea. He's really being mean when it comes to this challenges.

Minho and Jonghyun's eyes widened and gulped again.
"Seven rounds? Are you serious?!", Jonghyun exclaimed and looked at me with his begging eyes.

"Sorry oppas, it's their decision. I'll just warn you, if you picked the fire...", I bit my lower lip and wrinkled my face. I'm serious, the guys really put all their grudges on those rice cakes. Anything spicy that they saw in the kitchen, they stuffed it all to it. Even just by smelling it, I teared up.
"But don't worry, I made the 'luck' rice cakes really nice!", I gave them a sweet smile for their consolation.

"Okay, let's start. Seven rounds, whoever got the most 'fire', loses.", Key declared.

With shaking hands, each of them started picking their rice cakes...

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