Chptr 27: A Help from His Son

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--Your POV--

I locked myself on my room the next day.

When Jonghyun came to me last night and said those things to me, it made my mind clearer. Like him, I'm now able to realize things that I didn't even think of then.

'Is it really Minho?'

I tried Unni and Key's suggestions. I recalled some situations to verify some things.

When Minho confessed to me, the feeling was different when Jonghyun did it. It didn't feel awkward. Even after that, everytime he comes near to me, I'm actually happy with it. Then when I saw his begging eyes when he came to me to apologize, I can't stand looking at him straightly because.... because I'm hurting too. I don't want to see him hurting like that.

And that time... when he said he's going to give up on me, I felt that something was kicking and pricking me from the inside and it hurts a lot. The fact that he's going to let me go, it felt like my world tore apart, and I can't take it.

Then suddenly, I remembered something.

'There's another thing to help me verify this.'

I grabbed my phone and dialed a number. I nervously waited for someone to answer.

"Yoboseyo?", a woman answered on the other line.

"Ah good morning. Is this Mrs. Jung?", I asked.

"Yes, I'm Mrs. Jung. How can I help you?"

"Oh ajumma. This is Jaei, do you remember me?"

Mrs. Jung paused for a while, "Oh! Yes I remember you. You're shinee's friend. What can I do for you?"

"Uhm. Ajumma, is Yoogeun there?", i asked.

"Yes he's here. Do you want me to call him for you?"

"Thanks but is it okay if I just go there personally? I just wanted to talk to Yoogeun."

"Of course it's fine. I'll give you the address."

After I got the address, I quickly fixed myself and went to Yoogeun's house.

*Ding Dong*

I waited until the door opened.

"Annyeonghaseyo ajumma.", I bowed as I greet.

She also bowed. "Annyeonghaseyo. Come in. I already told Yoogeun you're coming.", then we went in.

"Noona! You're here!", Yoogeun ran too me and gave me a hug. We sat in their living room.

"Yoogeun, try this. Noona made a cake for you.", I handed a small box of cake to him.

"Woah. Komawo noona!", he excitedly opened the box and started eating the cake.

I watched him and remembered the thing I was going to ask to him.

"Yoogeunnie. Do you remember when I went here on your birthday?", i asked.

He nodded.

"Do you remember the thing you told me? About the Appa you want for me?", i asked slowly.

He nodded again and smiled. "I remember that. Why noona?"

"Noona just wanted to know why... why you picked Minho appa for me.", I asked nervously. 'Seriously, why am I getting nervous? I just wanted to confirm something.'

He smiled widely. "Because Minho appa is nice. And I saw him. He's always looking at you and when he looks at you he smiles. He also smiled everytime he holds your hand like this.", he grabbed my hand and demonstrate how Minho used to hold my hand.

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