Chptr 19: Awkward + Suspicion

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--Your POV--

KyeongEun unni and I were at the backyard, preparing.

It's Sunday and Unni's rest day. She decided to have a little Barbecue Party so she could relax and relieve stress, according to her. Actually it's not a party, it's more likely just a lunch get-together since she just invited shinee oppas and her boyfriend.

I haven't told unni yet about Jonghyun's confession because I'm still uncomfortable with it. But I know that she has an idea about it. The past days before I talked to Jonghyun, unni kept on asking some weird questions and you just realized that it was somehow connected to that confession.

"Is there a problem Jaei?", she asked me when she notices that I'm in a deep thought.

"Nothing. Uhmm. Unni, Do you know something abo--", i was cut off by the doorbell ring.

"Oh! They arrived. Finally.", she said, completely forgotten that I was about to ask something.

"I'll go check on them.", she said and went in to open the door for the visitors.

I was fixing the table when she came back, followed by shinee oppas.

"We're here!", Onew cheerfully said and went to me to give me a hug. The others followed as well.

I gave them all a hug each and when Jonghyun came near to hug, unconsciously, I stepped back a little but realizing that it was not a normal thing to do, I came stepped forward again and gave him a hug.

"Why so tensed?", he whispered to me before we parted.

This is the first time we will all be together again since Jonghyun confessed to me and he's right, I'm tensed. 

I don't know how to act normally in front of them so that they won't suspect, knowing that there's something that has changed. I still need time to cope with the fact that there's a pending request for 'more-than-friends relationship' so I asked Jonghyun to keep it for the mean time. I don't want negative reactions from them about this issue and I'm afraid that might affect our friendship.

"We brought more meat, noona.", Minho said to unni.

"Oh good! Thanks.", unni took the bag of meat from Minho.

"We should start grilling now!", Taemin excitedly said.

They're setting up the grill when the doorbell rang again.

"HyunWoo is already here. Wait here guys.", he went in to open the door.

--End of Your POV--

You are enjoying grilling the meat, even though the boys told you to just sit down and let them to the work, you strongly insisted. But Minho stayed with you to help.

"Hey don't get too close to the grill.", he pulled you a bit away from the grill.

You chuckled. "Yah, oppa. I'm not going to burn myself, okay? Relax."

"Why don't you let me handle this then you can sit there."

You shook your head and waved the grilling tongs side to said. "NO. I like doing this.", then you gave him an eyesmile.

"Okay, okay... You're messing your face.", He said and wipe some sweat on your forehead with his hand.

"Thanks." You smiled at him and when you looked at the table where the others are resting, you saw Jonghyun watching you and Minho. Seriously watching you.

You just lowered your head. It's hard to act normal, even you want to. You really feel awkward and you hate it. You know it would take time for you to treat Jonghyun again the way you used to.

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