Chptr 14: Things Get Weirder [Part 1]

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Like what is planned, you all went to the ice cream shop, Minho's treat. Everybody was enjoying except for one.
Jonghyun became silent since you came to the ice cream shop, but you didn't notice it because you're enjoying your ice cream that much.

It's already dark when the boys dropped you off to your house. KyeongEun is already there and she opened the doors for you.

"Thanks for bringing Jaei home.", KyeongEun thanked the boys.

"No problem noona. We can't let her walk home alone.", Onew said.

"We know that you'll hate us if we did that.", Taemin added.

KyeongEun nodded. She seemed to be delighted knowing that you're being well taken care of these guys.

"Noona, we'll go now. Goodbye.", Key greeted and bowed. Then all of the members bowed as well.

They all went to you, one by one, and gave you a quick goodnight hug. Just then, you noticed that Jonghyun is quiet. He's eyeing at Minho who's greeting you goodbye and hugging you.

"Jjong oppa, is there a problem? Why are you quiet?", you asked him when he came to hug you.

The others heard your question so they turned to Jonghyun. Specially Minho, who seemed to be observing his every movement.

"Yeah Jonghyun. You're quiet since we left the dorm.", Key said.

Instead of answering, he looked at Minho who's also staring at him. They remain quietly looking at each other until Jonghyun spoke.

"No. I just have nothing to say.", he shrugged and turned to you, "Goodnight Jaei."
They all walked out and headed to their car. 

KyeongEun watched suspiciously as the boys walk to their car. She's been observing them, specially Jonghyun and Minho, and she noticed that something is going on.

You tapped at her shoulder to caught her attention.
"Unni, what are you looking at?", you asked.

She turned to you. "Have you noticed something?", she asked.

"On what?"

"Minho and Jonghyun. Can't you notice it?"

Actually, you noticed that there's something between Minho and Jonghyun. You just don't have the guts to ask about it because even the other members won't talk about it. You're not sure if it's just you who can feel it. 

"I've noticed that they act weird these past days. I just don't know why.", you said.

"Have they argued?", KyeongEun asked. She's building some suspicions but decided not to tell you yet.

"I don't know. Do you think so? Maybe they had some misunderstandings."

KyeongEun just nodded. 'You really have no idea?', she thought as she look at you.

"Unni, I'll go to my room now. You should rest now, too", then you started to walk to your room.

"Okay, goodnight.", she just continue to look at you as you walk to your room.

'She really has no idea what's happening to her oppas. How can she be this innocent?', she thought. When you finally entered your room, KyeongEun just sighed and shook her head.

That night, when you where on your room, you thought about what KyeongEun said.

'Maybe they had some misunderstanding. What could it be? I should help them talk about it so they could settle things between them.', you thought.

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