Chptr 10: Last Date

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"Believe me it's really fun, I wish you could go here Liz."

"I can see you're really having fun.", Liz said.

Liz is my bestfriend back home in California. We always talk to each other through online video chat so we could catch up to each other and to stay in touch with other like what we're doing now.

*ding dong*

Our conversation was interrupted when the doorbell rang.

"Hey Liz, wait a sec. I'll just check on the door.", I stood up and went to the door. When I opened it, I saw Minho standing outside.

"Good morning!", he cheerfully greeted and gave me a quick hug.

"Good morning.. Aren't you a bit early. It's just...", I glanced at the wall clock, "...10 o'clock. You said you'll come by 12 noon."

He closed the door himself and we both walked in. "I finished my schedules earlier so Manager Hyung let me off so I could go here.", he said.

We finally came to the living room and he noticed the opened laptop.

"What are you doing?", he asked.

"Oh! Come here. You have to meet her!", I excitedly grab his arm and pulled him to the sofa. He just followed with a confused face.

"Hey gir--", I was cut offed by Liz's loud, long squeal from the speakers. She screamed as soon as we we sat on the sofa, visible to the camera. I closed my eyes tightly and covered my ears. 'I knew it. I should have readied my ears.'.

She's also a kpop fan and of course, she knew SHINee. I told her everything about my meeting with shinee. At first, she won't believe me but when I started showing some selcas with them and continuously sharing stories, she won't stop bugging me to let shinee at least say 'HI' to her.

"Oh my GODDDD! Is that really Minho? It's Minho, right?", she excitedly ask when her screaming finally went off.

I heard Minho chuckled. "Yes Liz, it's Minho. Minho, this is Liz, my bestfriend back home.", I introduced in english.

"Hi. I'm Choi Minho...", he looked at me and stretched his arms on my shoulders, "...Jaei's boyfriend.", he smirked after introducing himself in english. I just glared at him but still can't help to giggle.

"Oh My! Girl, he's already your boyfriend. The last time I asked you, they're just your friends.", Liz exaggeratedly said.

"He's my boy FRIEND, not boyfriend. I actually have five boy FRIENDS.", I giggled and looked at Minho. He pouted and mouthed, 'boy FRIEND, huh?'

"Uhh, so lucky! Anyway, I think you two have plans today so you better be going now. Let's talk some other time. And promise to let shinee greet me next time, okay?", Liz said.

"Yeah, we'll do something about that. I miss you sis! Take care, Bye", we ended the video chat and I shut the computer off.

"You're friend symbolizes a true shinee fangirl. The squeals and the screams.", Minho chuckled and laid back on the sofa to relax.

"Yes she is. She's like that every time. Actually not only towards shinee."

"You...", he turned to me, "How could you manage to be so calm when you met us. How about those fangirl squeals and everything."

I just smiled. 'Calm? If only you know how I am feeling when I met you. I feel like exploding.'

I stared at Minho who had his eyes closed while his head laying on the back rest of the sofa. He came here immediately after his schedule for our date.

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