Chptr 26: Give Way

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--Your POV--

I'm walking silently on my way home. I went out earlier and decided to stroll around so I can breathe some fresh air and help me clear up my mind.

After the advices that I heard from Unni and Key, I can't say that I already come up with a good decision but I felt that my mind has been opened a bit and I can think clearer and wider.

I'm already in front of our house but before I can even go in, my phone rang. It's the nth time that my cellphone rang this whole day and it's either Jonghyun or Minho who's calling. I didn't answered any of their calls earlier because I can't still talk to them. I sighed and answered the phone without looking at the caller ID.

"Yoboseyo?", I started.

"Uhm Jaei. It's Minho. Can we talk?", he said in a soft, weak voice.

When I heard his weak voice, something kicked inside me. I felt like crying again but I held it back.

"Minho, not now. I still ha--",

"I've been trying to call you all day but you're not picking up. I also tried to go to your house but you're not there. I just wanted us to talk.",

"We'll talk. If everything is ready to be settled and cleared. All I'm just asking now is more time.", I took a deep breath after talking. My tears are almost falling down.

"Look, we don't have to be like this. Please don't make it hard for all of us. Don't take yourself away from us, you don't know how hard it is. We can go back to what we are before.", he said and I can hear pain in his voice.

"Of course we can go back. But not for now. And don't think it's not hard for me, I don't want things to be like this too."

You heard a sigh on the other line. "Sorry if we're making it hard for you. I'm sorry that I'm causing you to be bother right now...", he paused for a moment and sighed again, "This is hard but if it's a way to make things alright again... I.. I'll st-stop now...", he trailed off.

"M-minho...", those words almost didn't came out of my mouth. I keep on breathing deep to hold back myself from crying.

"W-we can be back to friends again. L-like what we are before all of these happened. I'll stop competing to Jonghyun hyung. I won't do this anymore if it's causing you to suffer."

I froze on my spot. I can't respond to him. Hearing those words, that he's giving me up, tore something inside me.

All the tears that I'm holding back continuously fall down. I covered my mouth so my sobs can't be heard on the phone. I don't want to give another burden to him if he discovered I'm crying.

"I guess it's a relief for you. I hope we can comeback to what we are used to soon. Sorry if it took too long for me to let go...", he trailed off again.

"M-minho...", it's all that came out from me.

"I'll hung up now. I'll still be here as your friend.", then he ended the call.

I still can't move even after the call has ended. My mind which has been already cleared earlier, was messed up again.

When I felt like drowning with tears, I ran inside the house and locked myself in my room.

--Minho's POV--

"Yoboseyo?", she finally answered my call.

"Uhm Jaei. It's Minho. Can we talk?", 

"Minho, not now. I still ha--",

"I've been trying to call you all day but you're not picking up. I also tried to go to your house but you're not there. I just wanted us to talk.", I closed my eyes tightly. 'I missed her so much.'

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