With Earth.

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Please read the next chapter before this one. Hey! I'm back! Anyway, on with the chapter! The next few chapters that have Earth in them will be what Earth is experiencing during the last chapter. Probably won't be as long, but still quite long.

Earth's POV ( everything that someone says is in Earth's head):

My eyes fluttered open and I automatically braced myself for the certain pain that was going to come. It didn't come... Confused, I tried to find Luna, but he wasn't in his orbit. What is going on?
"Hello? Theia? Mars? Venus? Mercury? Where am I?" A voice in my head asked.
"Who are you? And who is Theia?" I asked suspiciously to the voice in my head.
"My name is Proto Earth, but my friends call me Proto. Theia is my best friend. Who are you?" That weird voice asked.
"That's weird... My name is Earth. Do you know where Luna, my moon is? And my Earthlings?" I said.
"Maybe you're my future self! I didn't know that I had a moon in the future and Earthlings?" My apparent past self rambled.
"Wait, I didn't have Luna in the past? And Earthlings are my life. You have life in the future." I reply to my past self.
"That is... SO COOL! But wait, you don't know who Theia is? Not even what happened to her? If something did happen to her..." He asked, obviously wanting to know something I didn't.
" Sorry, I don't know what happened to her. She's certainly not in the future. I would remember." I apologise.
"It's ok. You don't have to apologise. When does your memory start?" He asked, trying to get some context.
"Well, there was astroids orbiting me, and millions of years later, they formed Luna. That was about 4.5 billion years ago. I think about 500 million years after Jupiter was formed." I try to explain my memory.
"That's not long away..." He muttered.
"Oh no..." I said, realising what this means.
"This can't be good... You lost your memory, Theia is gone, you have a moon..." My past self says what I was going to say.

Suddenly, a sharp pain arose in my head.
"Ah!" I winced in pain. The pain only lasted a few seconds, and once it had faded away, another memory was planted in my head. My eyes widened.
"Earth? What's wrong?" It almost felt wrong to hear my name in my voice, but I answered anyway.
"I had a sudden headache, and once it had cleared up, I remembered what happened to her. To Theia..." I explained.
"Wh... What happened then?" Proto Earth -my past self- asked.
"Me and her... Or rather, you and her, are going to collide." I said.
"No... No... Why her? Why Theia?" He mourned. "Do you remember when the collision happens so that we can prevent it?" He asked hopefully.
"From what I remember, it's in a few weeks." I sigh.
"That's not a lot of time... But enough..." My past self says enthusiastically.
"I don't think that we can save Theia..." I tell him quietly.
"What? Why?" He asked, obviously deeply saddened.
"It would create a time paradox. And plus, I kinda want to see Luna again... He is my brother, after all." I explained.
"Time paradox, time waradox. You don't remember, well, you, I guess, coming from the future, do you?" He asked, hope still in his eyes.
"That's true, but the only trouble is that I still feel like there are missing gaps with that specific moment. And still, Luna might not be born. He is my brother." I say angrily.
"Ok, ok geez." He says. There's an awkward moment of silence were it is clear that we are both annoyed at each other. Then Proto clears his 'throat'.
"So, how did you get here? In the past, for you, I mean." He asked, obviously wanting to make conversation.
"I don't really remember much, but what I do remember was falling asleep. Having intelligent life, like me, or I guess you in the future, does come with consequences. And mine, hurts me. But I cope with it. For them. Cause no matter what, I love them. Even after all that they did to me. But anyway, I fell asleep, and woke up here, confused. What about you?" I explained my situation to my past self.
"Well, I fell asleep as well, and ended up in my own head. I felt a burst of pain just as I woke up. I don't know how I got here, or why, but I think that we are here for a reason. Also, I'm sorry that your life hurts you." Proto said.
"If I'm going to have to be you for who knows how long, then I should probably learn how to actually properly act like you. And thanks." I suggested something to do.
"Well... I like to think that I am kind. My friends are Mars and Theia. Venus is not very nice, and the Sun won't even let me get near Mercury because of his stupid orbit problems... Also, you're welcome." He started.
"Guess things don't change in the slightest." I interrupted, giggling.
"I would hang out with Jupiter, Saturn or any of the other giants, but they are all just busy being together and I don't want to disturb them. Theia... I guess I can tell you this, cause you are my future self, but she is my... Girlfriend. Mars is my best friend. Well, it's technically Theia... But still. Please don't tell her." He begs.
"Wait. That sorta makes me and her parents to Luna... I mean, the crash created him and both parts of me and her joined together to actually create him sooooo. That's super weird, now that I think about it. I mean, Phobos and Deimos are basically Mars' kids, but still."
"Yeah, you're right. And Phobos and Deimos? I'm also really happy that we have a child, sort of." He asked.
"They must not exist yet. Well, they are really small, almost like an asteroid. Who knows, maybe Mars took them under his wing after his gravity pulled them from the asteroid belt." I said.
"Hmm, good theory." Proto replies.
"Thanks, Proto. I'm going to call you Proto seeing as your friends call you that, and we may as well be friends, if you're in my head, or yours." I said.
"You're welcome, and can I call you Ear?" He asked. (said Eer)
"Fine, whatever. I haven't really had a nickname, or at least, you know, that I remember." I agreed to the nickname.
"Really? Not one?" He asked, obviously in shock.
"No. My moons nickname that is basically his real name, that's how many times it is used and Luna is his nickname, is Moon, but that's basically it." I reply.
" Wow." He says.
"Oh, and Venus always calls Mercury, Pipsqueak. And we don't know Astrodude's actual name, we just call him, well Astrodude." I say as well.
"Cool." He said.
"Yeah." I replied.

We were silent for a while, because none of us had anything to say. During that time, I looked around. There wasn't much change in what the Solar System looked like. There was a brownish planet, around the size of Mars in my orbit. From my memory of the crash and Proto's explanation, this planets name is Theia. Proto was right. She was beautiful. The best thing is that she is in my orbit!!! Wait... Jupiter said that planets can't share an orbit... Is this what he meant? Ah well. I also saw a planet with water, the same size as Mars. Wait... MARS HAD LIFE?! I didn't know... Then there was a planet that was around the same size as me and Venus, in Venus' orbit. Then there was Mercury. Well, he didn't really change all that much. Maybe a little bit bigger, but otherwise, pretty much the same. There were a few other planets that I didn't know, either. There was another planet, a bit bigger than Mercury, that was really close to the Sun. Then there were some others after Mars and before the Gas Giants. The Gas giants didn't change much either. Jupiter was his usual self, and Saturn was the same as well. The only difference is that he didn't have any rings yet. It sure was weird, seeing Saturn without rings. Ah well. Then there was a planet that I didn't know, again. He looked a lot like Neptune. So much, you could consider them brothers. Then another one. It was starting to get harder to see them now. But this planet looked light blue in colour, a bit darker than Uranus. Speaking of Uranus, I could just about see him. He was the same, minus the tilt and the rings. Now that I think about it, how did he get the tilt? Or the rings? I'll just have to ask him when I see him next.

"Hey, Proto? I asked.
"Yeah, Ear? He replied.
" Who are those planets? The one that is now closest to the Sun, the two between Jupiter and Mars and those two Gas or Ice Giants?" I asked.
" They must not be in the future. But why..." Proto muttered.
"Proto. You obviously know them. So who are they?" I asked, annoyed at my past self.
"Ear, the one closest to the Sun is called Vulcan. The ones between Mars and Jupiter are Planet 9 and 10 respectively. The other two are Ice Giants. Their names are Boreas and X or Planet X." He explains simply.
"Also, I agree with your feelings for Theia. She is beautiful, Proto." I blushed.
"Thanks, Ear. At least it's my future self that feels the same way as me." He sighs.
"I know, right, Proto?" I reply. We were both silent for a while again, none of us really knowing what to say.
"I forgot to ask, but, how is the future! At least, until you left." Proto asked.
"Pretty much the same as now. Except without Theia and with Luna, obviously." I replied.
"And without Vulcan, 9 and 10, X and Boreas?" Asked Proto.
"Pretty much." I replied.
"So, how are the other planets?" Proto asked.
"They're all really nice. Venus can get really angry, especially when you call him the 'Goddess of Love and Beauty' and Jupiter and Saturn seem like they are hiding a secret from the rest of us. Also, Mars doesn't have life. Well, Mars does have ice caps on his top and bottom, which my Earthlings are planning to melt and make water again." I replied.
"I bet that mars is very upset about his life dieing out. I wonder what secret they are keeping..." Wondered Proto.
"I honestly don't know. What I honestly am worried about is how we even got here in the first place! It's all very weird..." I replied.
"Yeah... Also, not to change the subject, but what is Luna like, Ear? You keep mentioning him, but obviously I don't know who he, or she, is. It is also very weird. Maybe we could look around for clues about how this happened in the first place." Suggested Proto.
"For one, Luna is a boy. Two, he is really nice and is literally my brother. There was this one time when I accidentally insulted all of the moons right in front of him by saying that 'moons should know their place' and, even though the other one that I said it too started an entire moon revolution that nearly killed me and Mars and Venus, he still stuck by me no matter what. He is the kindest moon that there could possibly ever be. And lastly, sure. We can do that later. Once I have gotten settled and actually know Theia and the others better. I know that I know them in the future, but still. They might have changed, personality wise." I said.
"Good idea." Proto complimented.
"Thanks, Proto." I thanked my past self. Still can't believe that I am actually in the past. I wonder what the other planets are like here. Ah well. I'm sure I'll find out. I also wonder how I actually got here in the first place.

I sighed and looked around. I decided that it was the best time than any other to talk with the other planets. I left the place that I had stayed in to chat with Proto for the past few minutes and went to talk to them...

I miss Luna. And I will. Always And Forever...

Cliffhanger!!! Sort of... Anyways, I'm at  2169 words right now. I told you it would be getting longer Anyway, see you in the next chapter!

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