Who is this planet?

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Hello again!!! How have you been? This chapter is dedicated to TheEarthXTheiaFan on YouTube. Please watch their videos. They're absolutely amazing and they don't get enough credit. Thank you.

Neptune's POV:

I hummed while looking for Guillermo in the Kuiper Belt. Suddenly an unfamiliar planet caught my attention. Visions filled my vision again and I shook my 'head' to clear them away. This planet seemed unconscious. I should take this to Uranus. He'll know what to do. I thought to myself.

I casually took the planet in my stronger gravity and slowly started to make my way to Uranus' orbit.

Finally reaching my closest neighbours orbit, I snuck up behind him and began to say my hello's.
" Hey neighbour!" I greeted Uranus.
"Neptune? What are you doing here, mate?" Uranus asked in confusion.
"Oh right... There's a weird moon or something that I found in the Kuiper belt." I replied. Naturally, I had forgotten about what I was here for. Whoops. I showed the mysterious figure that I had kept in my gravity all of this time to Uranus.
"I do recognise this planet, mate. But I don't know where. Also, she's a Rocky Planet. We should take her closer to the Sun so she can wake up, mate." Uranus said to me.
"Ooooohhh!!! Whyyy didn't IIII thhhiink oofff thaaaat?!" I droned on.
"What the... Whatever mate." Uranus groaned. "You should probably stay here. I'll take the Rocky Planet to the Sun. I'm sure he won't mind me being out of my orbit if it's for a good reason." He said.
"Alright then!" I said happily, slinking back to the Kuiper belt.

Uranus' POV:

I was writing in my diary, sharing all of my feelings about the prophecy. What if the lost planet is Boreas? Would he forgive me? Or not... Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me.
"Hey neighbour!" Neptune greeted me happily.
"Neptune? What are you doing here, mate?" I asked confused.
"Oh right... There's a weird moon or something that I found in the Kuiper belt." Neptune exclaimed cluelessly. He showed the figure that he had apparently been keeping hidden in his gravity to me. I... Recognised that planet. I don't know where from, but I am sure that I remember her from somewhere.
"I do recognise that planet, mate. But I don't know where. Also, she's a Rocky Planet. We should take her closer to the Sun so she can wake up, mate." I observed.
"Ooooohhh!!! Whyyy didn't IIII thhhiink oofff thaaaat?!" He droned, kind of annoyingly.
"What the... Whatever mate." I said to his slightly annoying comment. "You should probably stay here. I'll take the Rocky Planet to the Sun. I'm sure he won't mind me being out of my orbit if it's for a good reason." I explained.
"Alright then!" Neptune said a bit too happily and began to go back to wherever he goes when I don't see him. I glanced at the Rocky Planet.
"Why do you seem so familiar... Ah well. I can wonder later. I should bring her to the Sun to warm up." I said to myself. I made my way towards the Sun, carrying the weirdly familiar planet along with my gravity.

Soon enough, I reached Saturn's orbit.
"Uranus? What are you doing here? And where are you going?" He asked.
"Oh, I'm just going to visit the Rocky Planets." I was telling him the half truth.
"Can I come with you? Pretty please." Begged Saturn. I just couldn't say no.
"Fine mate. You can carry her though." I agreed, forgetting that I hadn't told Saturn about the planet.
"Carry who?" Asked Saturn. Oh no.
"This planet that Neptune gave to me. She was found by him in the Kuiper belt and she is a Rocky Planet so I am bringing her to the Sun to make sure that she is alive." I replied, shifting my gravity so that Saturn could see her as I had her hidden, in hope of not being asked any questions like this about her.
"Why does she look so familiar..." Saturn asked.
"I don't know mate. I wondered that too." I answered. Saturn took her from my gravity and together we began to make our way over to Jupiter's orbit.

Once we had reached the closest Giant to the Sun's orbit, we saw that he was kinda blocking the way. Well, another planet who knows can't hurt anyone, right?
"Hey Jupiter." I floated my way towards the Gas Giant.
"Uranus? Saturn? What are you doing here?" He asked. Saturn brought the planet out from his gravity and showed her to Jupiter. "Who is that?" He asked.
"I don't know. Neptune apparently found her in the Kuiper belt and gave her to me." I replied.
"Why does she look so familiar? I feel as if I have seen her before..." Asked Jupiter. This time Saturn answered. "We don't know, Jupiter. She seems familiar to everyone."
"Hmm. Are you going to give her to the Sun to warm up?" Asked Jupiter.
"Well, duh mate." I replied lightly.
"Whatever." Jupiter rolled his eyes playfully (AN, not a ship. I ship Jupiturn all the way baby) and smiled, leading the way to the Rockies.

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