so... when is earth?

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Luna's POV, a few days after what happened previously:

After Theia had woken up, she had asked a lot about Earth. We had told and shown her everything. Except the prophecy...

So basically, there was this prophecy... About Earth. And you. It turns out that Neptune is a seer, or something. Mercury started to explain.
What did it say? Theia asked urgently.
Wha- huh? Mars asked.
What did the prophecy say? Theia asked again. This time, I spoke up .
The prophecy said that earth will go back in time, we still don't know how, and that once a 'lost planet returns' you, Theia, we could go and get him back. We were  trying to find out when Earth is exactly,in time, so that Saturn and  possibly another planet or moon could  come. Explained the slightly confusing prophecy to the bewildered planet.
Wait... So Pr- Earth is somewhere in time and none of us know when or where he is? Theia asked me.
Pretty much. Erebus took over.
So, how are we going to get to him? Theia asked.
That's it. We just need to know if he acted weirdly at any point in time...
Hmm... I can't remember one from before the Collision, off the top of my head... Theia said.
Maybe it was after, then? Mars suggested oh so smartly.
Right... Said Theia.
I can't think of a time after the Collision, when Earth was acting strangely... Venus frowned. Hmm... If earth wasn't before or after the Collision, when exactly was he? I scoured my memory,in desperate hope that there was one time when he acted like he does now, far into the past. There wasn't anything... But... Wait... Earth seemed traumatised for around 1 or two months after Erebus and I were formed... Then, one day, he forgot me... Forgot everything and everyone...
Erebus? I asked my twin.(This is their mental twin connection thingy, and how they will talk)
Yes, Luna? He replied.
I think that I have figured out when Earth is! I replied, really quickly.
What did you just say? Teased my twin, playfully.
You know what I just said, Ere. I said, raising an eyebrow and using the nickname that I had created for my brother.
Stop calling me that stupid nickname, Lun. But anyway, when do you think Earth is? My twin asked, using the stupid nickname that he had come up with a while ago for me.
I'll only stop calling you Ere,if you stop calling me Lun. Also, I think that earth is a few months after the Collision... Remember that he could barely remember anyone, one morning a few months after we were formed? I began to explain.
Wait... Your right, Luna! He did suddenly forget everything! For a while, he called himself Proto, then one morning he just started to call himself his name now, Earth. This is such amazing news! My twin replied, a little too happily for a planet that he barely knew, despite the said planet being our brother, probably for his own good.
We should tell the other planets... Maybe he even went through the Collision... And if he did, I don't want him to be hurt... I said truthfully. No one wants to be hurt so much... And if he somehow knew... Why did he allow the Collision? I know that me and Erebus were created by the remains of the Collision, but still... Why would he do it? It seemed that Theia and Earth were - no, ARE friends, maybe even more - but still... If he knew,why would he do it...
You are right, Luna. Hopefully we can get back Earth soon... I may not have known him, well, as much as you, anyway, but he is still my brother, so I still miss him so much... Erebus replied. At this, I took a deep breath, before beginning to say what I remembered to the other celestial beings.
Uuum, guys? I began.
Hmm? Yeah, Luna? Mercury said, acknowledging me.
IthinkthatIknowwhenEarthis! I said, speaking really quickly. This caught the attention of the other celestials, and they all turned around to look at me and Erebus.
What did you just say, Luna? You were speaking quite quickly... Asked Mars.
I think that I know when Earth is... I said,slower so that the others could actually understand what I was saying.
So... When do you think that Earth is? Theia asked, hopefully. I took another deep breath.
Well, from what I remember, I think that he is a few months after the Collision. I replied.
Do you have any proof? Just in case if it's wrong... Venus asked.
Yes. I do. I replied, raising an eyebrow at the slightly annoying planet.
Alright then. What is your proof, moon. He said, being as annoying as always.
My name is Luna! And my proof is that he forgot everything and everyone, and he started to call himself... Earth. A few months after the Collision. I replied.
Alright Lulu. Venus teased. Wait... YOU'RE RIGHT!!!
I officially HATE you now, Venus. I groaned. The others just started giggling hysterically at the two of us, and I could just TELL that Erebus was rolling his eyes, despite not being able to see him. It's a twin thing.
Wait wait... So, you are saying that Earth could just be on a loop?! Mars asked shocked. I... Didn't think of this...
Well... Maybe? Or possibly a memory was left in Proto-Earth,or something, which allowed him to get the name Earth... The prophecy exists, remember? I explained.
Right yeah... So,we have to go to that time, during the time when everyone is asleep, and get back Earth?  Venus asked.
Prrrretty much. I chirped.
Doesn't sound too hard! Exclaimed Theia, forever the optimist.
Famous last words... Muttered Vulcan.
Probably... Agreed Erebus, having heard what Vulcan said and agreeing with him.
What do you meeeean! Theia pouted, childishly.
A lot of things could go wrong. Like for example,we could get stuck in time, with no way to get back. Vulcan explained.
I guess your right... Sighed Theia.
Yeah. He's right. Replied my twin, taking Vulcans side.
We should just wait a while... At least until we can be completely sure that it's safe and that Earth is when we think he is... Mars answered.
Alright... Sighed Theia.


Astro wife's POV:


Somehow, there's another planet in the sky... Scientists are calling it Theia, saying that there is a possibility that it is the planet that crashed into past Earth, creating the moon. How? I don't know... But anyways, something is definitely strange about this 'Vulcan' moon. Everyone thought that it was temporary, an exo moon, perhaps, orbiting Earth for a short time. But it seems like this is permanent... It's just so... Odd. The fact that the same day that Astrodude disappeared, a new moon appeared... I decided to buy myself a telescope, seeing as it was certainly NOT a coincidence... And... The similarities were to great. Somehow, someway, Astrodude is Vulcan. How? I don't know. Why? I don't know... What I do know however,is that I am going to space and asking my husband questions.

Doesn't he know that I love him?

Always And Forever...

Alright! That's that chapter finally finished! Something large is going to happen next chapter... With Earth... That's all that I can say tho! 😉 Anyway that's one thousand, two hundred and sixty three words! Anyway, see you in the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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