"Hey Proto! look!"

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Hi everyone! How are you today?

Talking with Proto earth.

Earth's POV:

I floated towards my orbit-mate, if you will, and started to speak to her. It felt slightly weird, seeing as I had technically not spoken to her for literal billions of years.
Hey, Theia. I said, trying to be casual. Or as casual as you can be when seeing the one you had a crush on who died...
Proto! Where were you? She asked.
Oh just, you know. Wondering how we came to be. The solar system, you know. I lied confidently.
That is one of the worst lies I have ever heard. It might be enough to convince Theia. He joked.
Shut up man. I growled.
Alright, alright. Geez. Keep your head on. He muttered.
Hmmm... Alright! She happily said back. What do you think about it then? She asked.
I think we should ask the Sun. I replied.
Maybe later... She said.
Alright then. I replied, floating slowly away. I truly hoped that the others had found out, and were looking for me. Maybe at some point, they will find me again. Until that point though... I'll just have to wait and see.

Time skip just cause.

I took a deep breath of the space 'air' and looked around. Today was a pretty good day, all in all. But still. Something felt... Off. I frowned. What could possibly happen today that could make me feel like - oh. Oh dear. Please author. Don't make me go through this. Not again...(Shut up Earth and don't break the fourth wall)
Everything alright, Ear? Asked Proto, my only true companion that I could truly trust with the truth about me and about the future. He also just so happens to be my past self, when I suddenly got transported to the past, through unknown circumstances that we are still trying to figure out, and I got his body, and he could watch from my, or rather, his head.
Yeah, Proto. I'm good. I just feel like something bad is going to happen today...  I explained to my sort-of friend.
Hopefully it's not... That... He said. I hoped so as well. The incident was the only true memory that I had of Theia. I had told Proto about it, and he hadn't, well, to put it simply, not taken it very well...

A little while later me and Proto were talking.
And then, Luna protected me, even though I accidentally insulted all of Moon kind. Right in front of him... I explained his life story happily to my past self.
It seems like you - or rather me in the future - has quite a crazy life! Proto replied happily.
Wait until you hear about some of my other near death experiences! I chatted happily.
Geez wow, dude. How much have you gone through. A moon revolution... And how much more?! He jokingly said.
I actually started the moon revolution... By insulting the moons, I made them angry. Their main target was me... I corrected.
Earth! Really? Proto facepalmed. I just gave him a sheepish grin.
Let's... Talk about something else. I tried to change the subject from my many nearly death experiences.
Like what, ehh, Ear? Proto teased me.
Oh, I don't know! Anything! I threw my hands up in annoyance.
Did you notice that Venus is acting really suspiciously when he's around everyone... Except from when he's around Jupiter... More like his moons... He acts slightly differently with them than with us... I think that he's hiding something... A big secret,or something like that... He said.
Now that you mention it... I agree... He also acts the same way that Luna does... And what I used to do, to not let out that I was in a lot of pain because of my Earthlings... I love them! I really do! It's just... They can be really hard work sometimes... I confided to my past self.
One, I really can wait until I get life like you... Two... What is Luna hiding... Not only Luna, but also Venus... Proto wondered.
Sometimes I hear, and see, him talking to himself Luna, I mean. I explained, helpfully. For what Luna's secret could be, I mean.
Thats slightly weird... What about Venus? He asks me.
Well... Sometimes I see him staring off. Into the darkness of the universe. Looking near where Jupiter is, at that point in time... What could he possibly be hiding from us? I ask the almost rhetorical question.
I don't know... Hey, if you manage to get back to your own time, you should check... Just to make sure that they aren't keeping any secrets... Especially Venus. He just acts so strangely a lot of the time. I really want to know if he is actually keeping a secret, and, if so, what is it, and why is he keeping it from the rest of us... Proto replied.
Of course I'll check with Luna and Venus to see if they have any secrets. And if so, I'll make sure to find out what they are, Proto. I smiled, reassuring him that I would be there for him.
Nice! Can't wait for the future to find out the truth! Exclaimed Proto, childishly.
Proto! Do you have to act like a child so much? I laughed, Proto rolling his eyes as I said that.
I don't act like a child! Protested Proto.
Yes you do. I replied.
No I don't. He determinedly argued back.
Yes you do.
No I don't
Yes you do.
No I don't
Yes -
Let's just stop arguing. We aren't going to get anywhere if we keep arguing. Proto said. The slightly annoying thing was that he wasn't really wrong...
Ugh. Fine. I pouted.
Now look who's acting like a child. Proto teased.
You admitted that you acted like a child! I grinned, rather child-like.
Whatever. Proto rolled his eyes fondly, playing and teasing me. I just smirked and raised an eyebrow.
Phahahaha! We both laughed together. Suddenly, there was a sound from behind us. I looked back, and was horrified by what I saw. It was Theia. Rummaging around in the astroid belt...
No... It can't be time yet... No... I whispered, traumatised.
Yeah... Please no... Also whispered Proto.
I don't want to lose Theia... We whispered together. Suddenly, Theia came out of the astroid belt with something in her gravity... To put it simply, we were both petrified. Scared to the core of losing her... For me, again...
Hey, Proto! Theia greeted me, still heading towards me at high speeds.
Oh... Hey Theia! I tried to greet as cheerfully as I could, when I knew what was going to happen... That this was the last time I would see her... Suddenly, she screamed out loud in fear and surprise. She couldn't stop. And I couldn't move. It would change the future... I desperately wanted to move, to save her. But my brother, Luna, wouldn't be born. And right now, I knew him better than I knew her. She flung the object in her gravity towards the astroid belt, and closed her eyes as she came closer and closer.
WHAAAAA! She shrieked, before crunching into my surface. I felt a burning pain, and I looked in slight wonder at Theias body, before passing out...

At least Luna will be formed... He is my brother after all... Always And Forever...

Sorry that this part is only an edit... It kinda was bugging me. One thousand two hundred and sixty three words. Anyway, see you in the next chapter!

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