You Just Don't Get It.

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The first sign that the rogues had entered our territory was the stench they carried, the second was the tracks, and they clearly didn't care that we knew that they were coming. We could hear their howls echoing through the woods, we expected that they would just straight up attack us but it's been a couple days now. Everyone was on edge especially with the curfew we placed, no one likes not being able to do what they want when they want.

Three days past before they finally charged the packhouse, everyone who couldn't fight were taken into the underground bunker while everyone else readied for the fight. I watched from the porch as they rogues burst through the treeline, their yellow eyes gleamed with murderous intent. They wanted nothing more then to tear us into piece and devour our flesh, wolf after wolf charged out towards us. One of the larger wolves seen me and changed course towards me, fangs bared, saliva dripping from their mouths, they looked like rabid dogs like this.

Twenty yards, than ten, than five, than three, and than a yelp. The wolf slumped tilting to the side before falling to the ground lifeless, confused another ran towards me before meeting the same fate. They couldn't seen it I made sure of that, it didn't take that much practice to improve our teamwork and the abilities we could use together. The shield domed around the house, the light blue sheen wasn't visible now. I knew that we couldn't rely on the shield especially with the number of rogues, I looked back at the number of pack members waiting to be able to join the fight before I looked forward again. I was going to show them just what I can do and what I would do to protect them.

I stepped out of the shield earning some crys of dismay, I walked a couple steps away before my eyes began to shine a light blue. The wind picked up blowing through the tree branches, dark clouds began to form across the sky, the air crackled with electricity before lightning crashed down from the sky. Most of the wolves that were hit didn't even get a chance to make a sound before they were fried, two wolves twisted racing towards me with a howl. Their paws pounded against the ground tearing up grass and soil as their paws moved against the ground. How many were there? Twenty? Thirty? No there seemed to be more than that, how many rogues did West have under his control? I jumped just as the two wolves tried to slam into me from both sides, shifting was easy now, my bones snapped and reformed with little pain. As I landed the two rogues growled shaking their head from the collision they just had, the buzzing in the air was a constant reminder of the danger they faced. Pure white light shined as more wolves were struck down, I could feel someone trying to force their way into the mindlink the chosen shared.

                   'Damn you Catalina! You said we'd get to fight these bastards too! Let us out right this instance or so help me goddess there's going to be hell to pay!' Gamma's voice rang out within my mind, her voice furious I could feel her gaze on me and I knew that if she didn't get to fight at least one of these guys she'd try for my head.

                    'Fine! If that's what you want it's your job to make sure not one of these bastards make their way to the packhouse and if they do... well let's just say you'll have a very special task.' The shield slowly faded away, Gamma shouted before leaping off the porch shifting as she did so. What a show off...

The battle became louder full of growls and trashing, once everyone witnessed Gamma take charge they too ran into the fight. A large black wolf ran across the field, a wolf I knew well, Shane darted through the wolves. Most of them tried to avoid him due to his sheer size, but there's always one that thinks they could take him. A medium sized brown wolf stepped into Shane path, Shane's path ended at me, the wolf growled before leaping towards him. I wondered if rogues were ever mated or told not to get between an alpha and his mate because it never ends well for the one who does. I felt something slam into me with great force, due to the fact I had been distracted, a large grey rogue slammed his full body weight into me sending me rolling across the dirt. Before I even had a chance to get up I heard a loud crash and than a yelp, looking up I seen my brother pinning the rogue to the ground.

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