Season 1 episode 5 game night

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***it was Friday night, you know what that means! It's game night baby!***

***the whole hazbin hotel crew were sitting in the lobby, discussing what game that should pick.***

Alastor: "I suggest a good old card game!"

Husker: "I ain't taking that chance..."

Vaggie: "well we need to pick on something! Angel, got any ideas..?"

Angel dust: "how bout spin the bottle?~"

Charlie: "umm well...maybe not..."

Nifty: *stabbing bugs whilst giggling*

Devin: how about uno

Angel: "ooo that's a good pick!"

husker: "not a bad idea"

Vaggie: *eye roll*

Alastor: "sounds quite an interesting game"

nifty: "what's uno..?" *nifty giggles while holding a knife*

Charlotte: "sounds fine to me!"

Devin get 10 cards and so does everyone one else

*they each grabbed cards*

Charlotte: "alright, so who's going first..?"

Devin: I'm glad to get that Charlie also I'm so sorry Devin put down a card that has four cards on it the card meaning that she has to grab four cards

Charlotte: "damnit.."

*Charlotte took 4 cards*

Angel: "it's your turn now.."

*Angel also got 4 cards*

Angel: "aww crap..."

husker: "your next.."

*husker only got 2 cards this round*

Husker: "nice"

Nifty: "my turn!" *nifty giggled while picking up 4 cards*

Devin: this was a bad idea

*vaggie only had 1 cards, and chose blue*

Vaggie: "I chose blue guys"

Charlotte: "I guess I have a blue too!"

Angle: "oh, nice!"

Alastor: "well it seems we are on the same boat..."

*Alastor chose blue*

Nifty: "red!"

Angel: *sigh* "red.."

Devin: vaggie I feel like you doing this on purpose? So your wife can win.

*vaggie had a smug look* " know me so well"

Charlotte: "hey! It's my turn!"

husker: "yeah, let's see if you win this round"

Devin: god fucking damnit husk why!!! Devin pick up 4 cards

Angel: "damn, that sucks..."

husker: "what can I say, I have the luck here "

*husker grinned smugly*

Charlotte: "maybe next round will be different!"

*Charlotte tried to cheer up Devin by trying to be positive*

Devin: Charlie stop being a fucking show off

Charlotte: "Hey! It's not my fault I'm winning!"

*Charlotte giggled*

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