Season 1 episode 3 valentino

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*We see Charlie looking at a picture of the Von eldritch pictures on the wall and Charlie walk way and we see that a picture of Fredrick was on it*

*Meanwhile we see angel dust going to work and then we see Valentino smirking* Valentino: took you long enough angel cake

*Angel Dust rolls his eyes at Valentino's comment*

Angel Dust: Oh, shut up. I had some business to attend to.

Valentino: listen boy, I own you anyway where were you?

*Angel Dust scowls at Valentino's possessive tone*

Angel Dust: I was out doing some personal stuff. And don't call me "boy".

Valentino: listen up I fucking own you if you try to talk back to me, I will fucking hurt you or the person you've been looking for your daughter

*Angel Dust's expression turns to shock and anger*

Angel Dust: You know about my daughter? How the hell do you know about her?

Valentino: that's none of your fucking business

*Angel Dust clenches his fists, trying to keep his temper in check*

Angel Dust: It is my business. You have no right to threaten my daughter.

Valentino: just get the fuck to work whore

*Angel Dust glares at Valentino, but reluctantly starts to walk towards his work station*

Angel Dust: Fine. But this isn't over.

*Valentino smirks as Angel Dust leaves, satisfied with his intimidation tactics*

Valentino: it is over deal with it, not being a good hooker and fuck those demons while being filmed for our next porn movie

*Angel Dust shudders at the thought of being filmed for a porn movie*

Angel Dust: I'd rather die than do that.

Valentino: trust me, boy not my option if it was up to me I would've fired you already but it's up to My Boss and I don't think you wanna meet him because you don't wanna see him

*Angel Dust looks curious and slightly worried*

Angel Dust: Who's your boss? What's so bad about him?

Valentino: you know when I walked in the studio when I was a kid the first thing he made me do is bend over as he made everyone watched. I beg him to stop, but he didn't. So trust me, he is way worse than me.

*Angel Dust's eyes widen in horror and disgust*

Angel Dust: That's... That's disgusting. I had no idea.

Valentino: anyway you don't wanna know who he is so please get back to work. I don't want any drama.

*Angel Dust nods, still shaken by the story*

Angel Dust: Alright, I'll get back to work. But I'm still not doing any porn.

Valentino: OK later and I know might seem like a jackass which I am, but I am generous sometimes

*Angel Dust looks surprised by Valentino's unexpected kindness*

Angel Dust: Really? What do you mean?

Valentino: do I have to spell it out? It's mean go home. I'm letting you go home early.

*Angel Dust is taken aback by the offer*

Angel Dust: You're... letting me go home early? Seriously?

Valentino: Jesus go before I change my mind

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