Season 1 episode 2 the next day

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You have been accepted as a worker in Hazbin Hotel

Alastor: well after yesterday day thinks for letting me stay Charlie

Charlie: Of course I'd let you stay, I know you'll do great!

Alastor: ha ha ha I'm sure I won't

Charlie: Don't say that, I have faith in you!

Alastor: sweetheart you do know who I am and what I do right?

Charlie: I know who you are, but I also know that you're more than just a killer. You have potential.

Alastor: I am sure I do tell that to me when I was a human and then got shot in the head

Charlie: But you're still here, aren't you? You have a second chance.

*Alastor started laughing, finding that comment very funny* Alastor: sweetie second chance were in hell I don't believe in second chances

*Charlie sighs*

Charlie: Alastor, I understand your viewpoint, but I'm trying to see the good in you. We all make mistakes, and sometimes we need a second chance to make things right.

Alastor: i'll be in my room. I'm expecting guest today.

Charlie: Alright, I'll leave you to it. But remember, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask.

*Alastor goes to his room drink his tea with a smile on his face*

*Meanwhile, Charlie is checking on the other workers, making sure everything is running smoothly*

Angel dust: hey Charlie do you really trust the deer demon

Charlie: Of course I trust him, Angel. He may have a dark past, but he's trying to change. I believe in him.

Angel dust: there something about him

Charlie: What do you mean? Is there something you know about him that I don't?

Angel dust: no I'm just saying I don't trust him

Charlie: I understand your concerns, Angel. But I've seen a change in him. He's not the same person he used to be. He's trying to be better.

*Rosie walk into the hotel*

*Charlie notices Rosie and greets her with a smile*

Charlie: Hello, Rosie! What brings you here today?

Rosie: we never met before I take it alastor told you about me and is he hare

Charlie: Yes, Alastor mentioned you. He said you were a good friend of his. And as for him being here, he's in his room right now.

Rosie: that fucking good I'm going to go see him

Charlie: Go ahead, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you. Just remember to be patient with him.

Rosie: bitch listen I know him longer then you so don't tell me what the fuck to do

*Charlie looks taken aback by Rosie's outburst*

Charlie: I apologize if I overstepped. I didn't mean to offend you. I was just trying to offer a friendly piece of advice.

*Rosie goes to alastor room* Rosie: bestie

*Alastor, who was still drinking his tea, looks up as Rosie enters his room*

Alastor: Ah, Rosie! What a pleasant surprise. What brings you here today, darling?

Rosie: I just wanted to see you since I haven't seen you since the last 7 years

*Alastor chuckles and motions for Rosie to sit down*

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