Season 1 episode 12 Adam the first man and lute a married women and the apple

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*Meanwhile Adam walk to the portal to heaven with out telling anyone* Adam: what lute

*Lute follows Adam, looking confused.*

Lute: What are you doing? We're supposed to be finding a team.

Adam: we could do that lute or we can go to heaven and kill Sarah

*Lute's eyes widen in shock.*

Lute: Wait, what? You want to go to heaven and kill Sarah? Are you insane?

Adam: maybe but if we do what my brother Devin say where all going to die

*Lute shakes his head, trying to reason with Adam.*

Lute: You can't just assume that we're all going to die. We need to trust Devin and the others. They know what they're doing.

Adam: lute I know why you don't want to go back to heaven you want to kept martha James safe because your dating her and because she Alastor mom

*Lute's expression changes to one of surprise and embarrassment.*

Lute: How did you know that?

Adam: lute I'm not dumb so are you going or no

*Lute hesitates for a moment, then sighs.*

Lute: Fine. I'll go with you. But this better not be a suicide mission.

Adam: just letting you know we may not come back from this my friend

*Lute nods solemnly.*

Lute: I know. But we have to try. For the sake of everyone else.

Adam and lute go threw the portal to heaven

*They arrive in heaven, the bright and ethereal surroundings a stark contrast to the chaos they left behind in hell. The two of them walk through the streets, keeping their eyes peeled for any sign of Sarah.*

Adam: lute if you want to see your girlfriend you can

*Lute shakes his head.*

Lute: No, I'm not leaving your side. We're in this together. Besides, I don't even know where Martha is right now.

Adam: lute that an order

*Lute looks at Adam, surprised by the sudden command.*

Lute: What? No, I'm not going to leave you alone. I don't care if it's an order.

Adam: lute please you got to find her and get her too safely

*Lute hesitates for a moment, torn between loyalty to his friend and his desire to protect Martha.*

Lute: Alright. But you better be careful, okay?

Lute started to leave Adam: lute!!

*Lute turns around.*

Lute: What is it?

Adam: goodbye and thank you for being my best female friend

*Lute's expression softens.*

Lute: Goodbye, Adam. And thank you for being my friend too. I'll see you soon.

Adam goes to look for Sarah

*Adam starts to search for Sarah, wandering through the streets of heaven. He looks in every building and alleyway, calling out her name.*

Sarah tries to kill Adam

*Sarah suddenly appears behind Adam, holding a knife.*

They fight

*Adam tries to defend himself against Sarah's attack, dodging her blows and trying to disarm her.*

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