Season 1 episode 14 aftermath

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*Meanwhile Devin walk to Crymini room* Devin: Crymini what is he fuck did you do

*Crymini looks up at Devin, her eyes filled with guilt.*

Crymini: I messed up. Big time.

Devin: is it true what you did to vaggie on her wedding day

*Crymini looks down, ashamed.*

Crymini: Yeah, it's true. I... I tried to force myself on her. I was jealous and I wasn't thinking straight.

Devin: you know Charlie will probably never forgive you

*Crymini sighs heavily, looking even more guilty.*

Crymini: I know. And I don't blame her. I messed up really badly. I don't know if I can ever make things right with her again.

Devin: give me the knife

*Crymini looks confused, but she hands over the knife.*

Crymini: What are you going to do with it?

Devin: no now make me curious why did you have the knife in your room?

*Crymini looks away, hesitant to answer.*

Crymini: I... I was planning on using it on myself.

Devin: oh Crymini you know that's not the answer

*Crymini nods, tears welling up in her eyes.*

Crymini: I know, I know. But I just couldn't take the guilt anymore. I felt so ashamed and hopeless. I thought it would be easier to just... end it all.

Devin: you're my daughter and I care about you. You know that anything happened to you? I don't know what I would turn into.

*Crymini nods again, tears starting to stream down her face.*

Crymini: I know, Dad. I'm sorry. I don't want to cause you any more pain. I just... I feel like I've ruined everything.

Devin: go to bed Crymini and also you're grounded for trying to kill yourself and forcing yourself onto the princess of hell wife

*Crymini nods obediently, her shoulders slumped in defeat.*

Crymini: Yes, Dad. I'll go to bed. And I'll accept my punishment.

*Devin goes to Charlie room and knock 3 times*

*Charlie opens the door, looking a bit surprised to see Devin.*

Charlie: Oh, hey Devin. What's up?

Devin: is your wife okay

*Charlie looks a bit worried, and nods.*

Charlie: Yeah, she's alright. A bit shaken up, but she's handling it. Why do you ask?

Devin: I just wanna come here and apologize for my daughter ruining Your wedding day

*Charlie sighs and nods again.*

Charlie: It's alright, Devin. I understand that Crymini was going through something. I just wish she hadn't done what she did. It hurt Vaggie a lot.

Devin: by the way Sarah will start the war in 2 days

*Charlie's expression turns serious, and she frowns.*

Charlie: What? She's starting the war that soon?

Devin: yeah but I need to know one more thing. Is it true that you were going to kick my daughter out? But then changed your mind.

*Charlie nods, looking a bit hesitant.*

Charlie: Yes, that's true. I was going to kick her out. But then I talked it over with Vaggie, and we decided to give her a second chance.

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