Chapter 1

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The Entrance Exam

The air was thick with tension, a gathering storm of nervous excitement and sheer anticipation. Hundreds of aspiring heroes crowded the plaza outside of U.A. High, each one brimming with potential, quirks ready to prove themselves worthy of admission. Somewhere in the crowd, Junko Sogeki leaned back on her heels, arms crossed behind her head, taking in the sea of faces with a smirk.

"Man, this is gonna be fun," she muttered under her breath, eyes scanning for anyone that might stand out. For most, the pressure of the entrance exam would be overwhelming, but not for Junko. No, for her, it was another thrilling challenge. Her quirk had already made her somewhat infamous in her old school-how many teenagers could claim they could transform their limbs into full-blown bazookas, after all?

She had a point to prove, and it wasn't just about showing off her power. It was about showing she had the heart of a hero, not just the firepower of one.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a familiar figure. Spiky blond hair, hands stuffed in pockets, an air of confidence bordering on arrogance-Katsuki Bakugo. He was hard to miss, not that Junko had ever tried. They'd been in the same school for years, though they'd never been close. He was all grit and explosive rage, while she masked her determination with humor and cockiness.

"Oi! Bakugo!" Junko called out, strolling over to where he stood, still sizing up the competition with his trademark scowl.

He barely glanced her way, offering a grunt of recognition. "What do you want, Sogeki?"

"Nothing much," she grinned, stuffing her hands in her pockets to mirror him. "Just checking if you're ready to get shown up today."

Bakugo's eyes flicked towards her, a sharp, fiery gleam in them. "You? Don't make me laugh. I'm gonna crush this exam. You're just lucky if you don't get blown to pieces in the process."

Junko raised an eyebrow, her smirk widening. "Oh, I dunno. I think I'm pretty good at blowing things up too."

For a second, Bakugo's lips curled into a smirk, though he quickly covered it with his usual glare. "Tch. Don't think you'll get in my way."

"Oh, wouldn't dream of it," she shot back, turning on her heel to walk away. "But don't cry when I beat your score."

Behind her, Bakugo's growl was barely audible over the murmurs of the crowd. Junko couldn't help but chuckle as she blended back into the sea of hopefuls. Something about Bakugo's energy made her feel more alive, more driven. She didn't care if he saw her as a rival or a nuisance-she was determined to make her mark, and he was going to notice her whether he liked it or not.

As they all gathered inside the U.A. auditorium, Junko found a seat a few rows behind Bakugo, watching him as he leaned back in his chair, legs spread wide, exuding the same air of confidence that practically oozed from his pores. She didn't know why, but she found his attitude amusing. It was refreshing to meet someone who wasn't easily intimidated, even though his approach was less friendly and more 'get out of my way or get crushed.'

The pre-exam presentation started, but Junko's mind wandered. Her hand subconsciously flexed, feeling the familiar, buzzing warmth of her quirk coursing through her fingertips. She could already feel the rush of battle, the adrenaline, the satisfaction of unleashing her quirk.

She caught Bakugo's eye again as they were given instructions to head out to the exam grounds. He looked her up and down, sizing her up like he would an opponent.

"Hope you can back up that talk, Sogeki," he muttered as they passed each other, heading toward their assigned areas.

Junko winked, her cocky grin never faltering. "Don't worry, Bakugo. You'll see what I'm made of."

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