Chapter 19

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Bakugo Lives in an Explosive Cave!

The evening after the Sports Festival was concluded, the exhaustion from the intense battles lingered, but so did the satisfaction. The medal ceremony was done, and Junko, now bandaged up and recovering, walked beside Bakugo and their friends. The evening air was crisp, filled with the residual excitement of the festival. Mina Ashido, Hanta Sero, Denki Kaminari, and Eijiro Kirishima had tagged along as they made their way back home, eager to celebrate their victories and performances.

"You know," Mina started, swinging her arms playfully, "we should totally hang out tonight! I mean, after everything we've been through, we deserve it."

Junko smiled, glancing at her. "I'm all for that. I could use some relaxation after Bakugo decided to nearly blow my head off."

"Ha! Like you were holding back with your bazooka arms," Bakugo grumbled, though a faint smirk tugged at his lips. Despite his typical gruffness, there was a softer vibe between him and Junko, a growing camaraderie after their tough fight.

Denki chimed in excitedly, "Yeah! Let's hang out! But the real question is... whose place are we crashing at?"

"Bakugo's," Eijiro immediately suggested. "I bet he's got the space. And, honestly, I kinda want to see how he lives."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Junko interrupted, raising an eyebrow. "What's wrong with my place? It's way more fun than whatever explosive cave Bakugo crawls into every night."

Bakugo's eyes narrowed, and he scoffed. "Tch, like hell I'm letting you idiots trash my place. If anything, your place is probably full of junk. Bet you couldn't even find a couch to sit on."

"Excuse me?" Junko shot back, pretending to be offended. "My place is perfectly organized. And besides, you're just scared I'd show everyone your baby pictures or something."

This earned a round of snickers from the group, and Bakugo clenched his fists, his scowl deepening. "What the hell makes you think I'd have baby pictures lying around?!"

Denki grinned, ever the instigator. "Oooh, is that true? I bet you were an adorable little brat."

"I'll blow you up, Dunce Face," Bakugo growled, though the edge in his voice was more playful than angry.

Eijiro, ever the peacemaker, stepped in with a suggestion. "How about this? We'll hang out at Junko's place and Bakugo's. We can check out both places! Start with Junko's, end with Bakugo's. Sound fair?"

Hanta raised an eyebrow. "Seems like double the travel, but I'm down if you guys are."

Junko crossed her arms, tilting her head in thought. "Fine. But if we go to my place, I'm picking the snacks."

"As long as they aren't weird health foods or something," Mina chimed in.

"Hey, I've got good taste!" Junko shot back, rolling her eyes.

The banter between them continued as they walked, laughter filling the air. As much as they bickered, the bond between them had grown stronger after the Sports Festival. They'd all watched each other fight, grow, and persevere. It was hard not to feel close after everything they'd been through together.


When they finally arrived at Junko's place, everyone piled into her room, immediately settling into the comfortable furniture. Junko's place was cozy, filled with little quirks that screamed her personality—posters of various rock and punk bands, a stack of band albums in the corner, and an oddly placed skull ornament on a shelf and a guitar that sat at the side of her bed.

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