Chapter XIII

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Teio Prison

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Teio Prison

The tall building was illuminating it's dark surrounding for it was the only building that had electricity,

All the players in the room was waiting for one more player to enter for the game to start.

After entering the game, Y/n immediately went and socialize with other players while the nonchalant male stay on the corner scanning the room.

The chattering noise was stopped when the robotic voice spoke,

Game, Solitary Confinement.

Rules. Guess the card suit that appears on the back of your collar. However, you may not look at the symbol yourself.

"I can't see anything." A female announced trying to look over her collar, Y/n stare at the woman dumbfounded for trying to look over her collar when the rules clearly stated to do the opposite,

The time limit is one per round. In the final minutes, enter your cell and disclose your symbol.

The cells lights open revealing the cell doors where they have to guess their symbols.

If you do not answer with the correct symbol, it is game over. The collar will explode, and you will die. Additionally, when the time limit reaches zero, the symbol on the collar will reset and change for each round.

Y/n, like the others touched her collar as if analyzing the material with her hands. She stare at the screen in front of them as she think of a plan on how to survive the game, "Wait a sec. So that means we just have to ask each other what out symbol are." A man yellow stripe shirt spoke,

He was smiling ear to ear as if the game would be easy as he think it would be. He turn to look at the duo with a smile before speaking again, "That's easy, huh?"

Chishiya stare back at the man before answering him, "I'm not so sure. They haven't told us what the conditions to win are yet." The other male's smile faded as the announcer spoke once more.

The Solitary Confinement game is about how much you can trust your fellow players. Be aware of your opponent, the Jack of Hearts, has already been placed among you.

"Oh, that's good." The blonde male stare at the screen complimenting the mechanics of the game.

His statement made the female want to roll her eyes but held herself back to avoid breaking her 'innocent' act.

How to win. Rounds repeat every hour. You win the game when the Jack of Hearts dies. Prohibited actions. Looking at your symbol with a reflective surface is cheating. Players may not use weapons or violence to kill fellow players.

"This means that the only way this game will ever end is if the Jack gives the wrong answer." Chishiya explained further.

The innocent yellow shirt male turn his head to look at the speaking male, "So, basically, no one here is getting out alive unless they lie to the Jack." Finishing his explanation his gaze return to the male beside him.

There is no limit to the number of rounds.

"There's no limit?" A man asked clearly surprised by the announcement.

Enough food have been provided. While participating in this game, no days will be removed from your visas.

"So we need to start lying, find the Jack of Hearts and kill them off, or we'll live out the rest of our days in this prison." Chishiya spoke again but this time he was staring at the quiet woman beside him.

Y/n, who was fiddling the hem of her oversized shirt stare back at the male giving him a quick smile, "That'll be easy for you, you're a great liar." She whispers enough for the male to hear.

As a response he only gave her a smirk clearly not offended by her words, "Solitary for live."

The game will now commence.

You can roam freely until it is time to enter your cell.

After the end of the announcement, there was a few seconds of silence before people start to approach each other to ask for their symbols.

Few people left to their own little group while Chishiya and Y/n stay behind,

"I have an idea." A female with blue dress started dismissing the silence of the room. "How about we get together and make teams to tell each other? So that way, nobody can lie." She proposed with a smile on her face.

People then started to join her already falling for her innocent act.

Y/n lick her dry lips as she stare at the woman with interest, finding someone so similar on what she's best at Y/n was intrigued,

"Banda, let's team together." Y/n cling at the silent man as if she was holding his arm for her dear life.

She had abandoned the male who she had came in with obviously too bitter to stick for too long by his side.

The male look down at the female his face plastered with a small smirk, before he could utter a word the female brought her face on his ear whispering something to him.

As if the words she spoke contains something pleasant the male's smirk grew before nodding his head a bit. "Sure, I'll team up with you." The words came out off his mouth.

After their interaction had ended the two were approach by another player, a male with grey sweater his hair was long almost covering his eyes fully.

He asked the two if he could team up with them, Banda spoke degrading the male before saying that he likes him and wanted them to be friends. The three immediately teamed up.

Just as the two male were telling each other ther symbols, Y/n's eyes met with the yellow stripe shirt male. She gave him a small wave with a smile on her face.

The male reminded her of Tatta which is why she was very fond of him. When her eyes landed on the person next to him her smile faded before turning her back at them.

It is time to give your answer. Please enter a solitary confinement cell of your choosing.

Y/n chose a cell randomly before entering it.

Please give your answer.

"Heart." She answered, when the time counted to zero she left the cell. Everyone was still alive.

Round two begins now.

Everyone was still on their own group while Y/n and her little group were just chilling by the corner,

"What the fuck?" A player yelled with anger sending another player on the ground. "I told you to give me the answer!" His outburst caught all the attention of the players in the room.

Banda quickly took action and aid the man who was in the ground. He whispered something at the frighten male before letting the bald man beat the poor guy again.

Y/n gave Banda a quick smirk as they held eye contact, speaking what was on their minds through their eyes.

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