Welcome to Whitemere

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In the quiet embrace of the early morning, Eric meticulously dismantled his campsite. The dew-kissed leaves rolled down as he folded his tent, a silent pattern of fabric and ropes. Each item found its place in his weathered brown backpack and leather messenger bag with the precision of a seasoned traveler. His white fluffy hair bobbed slightly as he worked, a stark contrast to the emerald backdrop of the surrounding forest.

With a final glance at the spot where he'd spent the night, Eric hoisted his bags over his shoulder and set off. The crunch of his boots on the forest floor grew softer as the trees parted, revealing a dirt path that snaked through the woods. He felt the tug of excitement as the scent of chimney smoke wafted through the air, a scent that could only mean one thing: civilization. As the path grew more defined, the sound of the distant murmur of voices and the occasional clank of metal on metal.

A town called Whitemere came into view, nestled in a clearing beside a serene lake. The sun was a lazy crescent in the sky, casting a soft glow over the cobblestone streets and thatched-roof buildings. Eric's eyes lit up at the sight of the bustling marketplace, where colorful stalls displayed an array of goods. His stomach rumbled at the smell of freshly baked bread and sizzling meats. The promise of warm food that he never had, and companionship was too tempting to resist.

As he approached the town gates, the guards eyed him curiously. He wasn't the usual traveler they saw passing through, but the gold coins in his pouch assured them he meant no harm. They nodded and let him pass. Eric's heart swelled with excitement as he stepped onto the cobblestone path. The air was filled with the laughter of children and the haggling of merchants. For the first time in weeks, he heard the sweet melody of human voices, a stark contrast to the noise of the forest.

The marketplace was a kaleidoscope of colors, with fabrics from distant lands fluttering in the breeze and fruits that shimmered in the early light. His eyes darted from stall to stall, absorbing every detail. He stopped at a cart piled high with books, their pages fluttering like the wings of a thousand butterflies. The old woman behind the counter looked up, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

"Ah, a scholarly soul," she croaked, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "What do you seek, young one?"

Eric's eyes grew wide as he took in the vast array of books before him. "Anything and everything," he replied, his voice filled with wonder and excitement. "I've been traveling alone for a while, and my books are my only companions."

The old woman chuckled; her eyes filled with understanding. She reached into the cart and pulled out a leather-bound book with intricate heart designs. "This one," she said, her voice joyful. "It's a tome for taming monsters. It might help you to find a companion to spend your time and adventure with."

Eric took the book with both hands. "How much?" he asked, his voice tinged with excitement.

"For someone as eager to learn as you," the old woman said, "this book will cost you three silver pieces."

Eric's hand paused mid-reach, his expression momentarily pained. He knew the value of knowledge, but the journey had not been that kind to his coin purse. He glanced at the book longingly before nodding. "Alright," he said, fumbling in his pouch for the silver coins. "I hope it's worth it."

The old woman took his payment and handed him the book with a wink. "I'm sure it will be, dear."

Eric felt a rush of excitement as he tucked the book into his bag. He couldn't wait to dive into its pages and uncover the secrets it held. With a nod of thanks, he continued his exploration of the market. His stomach's protest grew louder, and he couldn't ignore it any longer. He approached a vendor cooking over an open flame, the smell of roasting meat making his mouth water.

Eric Vang's Quest of the heartWhere stories live. Discover now