Hollow Valley

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Eric chose Hollow Valley as their next destination, a town surrounded by perilous mountains. His new dragon powers aided the journey, enhancing his senses and communication with animals, and he felt unstoppable.

The path grew steeper and more treacherous as they approached the mountains. Eric's eyes scanned the horizon, searching for any signs of danger. The wolves, feeling the urgency in the air, grew more serious, their playfulness replaced by a focused intensity. They were learning from their leader, adapting to the shifting dynamics of their bond.

The first night in the mountain's, the group found refuge in a small cave. Eric, with his newfound knowledge, conjured a warm, comforting fire. The flames danced and crackled, casting a glow on their faces, reflecting in the eyes of Shadow and Snowflake. They had never seen Eric perform fire magic before, and their gazes were filled with a mix of awe and admiration.

The journey grew tougher as the days turned to months. The mountain air grew thinner, and the path grew steeper. Yet Eric's strength did not waver. The group encountered a pack of mountain lions, their hungry eyes fixed on the travelers. Shadow and Snowflake took defensive positions, their fur bristling with anticipation. Eric's hand hovered over the pouch on his hip, taking a hold of his ice stone dagger, ready to protect his companions.

Sliver who was walking with them had jumped up onto Storm's back hiding behind Eric. Storm took a defensive stance, ready to charge. Eric, feeling the rush of power from the Dragonstone, he raised his hand, and a fireball formed in his palm. He threw it at the lead mountain lion, the beast roared in pain and surprise as it was engulfed in flames. The rest of the pack scattered, their survival instincts overriding their hunger.

Once the danger had passed, Eric approached the charred body of the lion, feeling a twinge of regret for using fire due to it destroying the lion's pelt, but the urgency of the situation left him no choice. He carefully extracted the core, teeth, and claws. The core was a deep crimson, pulsating with the essence of the wild beast. The teeth were sharp as knives, gleaming white, and the claws, though blackened by the fire, remained deadly sharp.

They soon made it to Hollow Valley, the path leading them through a narrow gap in the mountains. The town lay nestled in a lush valley, surrounded by towering peaks that cast long shadows as the sun dipped low in the sky. The sight of civilization was a welcome one, the smell of smoke from chimneys and the distant sound of laughter carrying on the breeze.

Upon their arrival, the townsfolk looked upon Eric and his companions with a mix of curiosity and wariness. The presence of a dragon-elf, battle horse, black silver fox and two dire wolves was not a common sight. The group was met by the town's guards, who eyed the unusual party with suspicion. Eric, ever the charmer, dismounted Storm and approached with his id he got at the guild, his white fluffy hair fluttering in the breeze.

He introduced himself and his companions, explaining their peaceful intentions and their journey from Whitemere. The guards, though cautious, could not help but be swayed by Eric's earnestness. They allowed the group to pass, and soon they were in the bustling heart of Hollow Valley.

The town square was lively with merchants peddling their wares and children playing games. Eric's eyes lit up at the sight of the apothecary, a quaint little shop with a wooden sign that creaked in the wind. He knew that the unique plants from Mystwood would fetch a good price here.

Dismounting Storm, Eric secured the reins and petted the horse's neck. "Stay here, boy," he said, and Storm nodded. The dire wolves remained by the Storm; their eyes vigilant despite their youthful energy. Silver jumped on Eric's shoulders and curled up like a scarf.

Inside the apothecary, the sweet scent of herbs and potions filled the air. The young woman behind the counter looked up from her cauldron, her eyes filled with curiosity. Eric approached, placing the Mystwood plants on the countertop. Her eyes widened with amazement as she inspected the leaves and berries.

Eric Vang's Quest of the heartWhere stories live. Discover now