The next day Eric had woken up to Snowflake and Shadow playing around on the bed. They had grown a bit overnight, and their claws looked like they were about to burst out of their skin. Eric laughed as they tussled with each other, their tiny sharp teeth flashing in the early morning light. It was time to start their training.
He had stopped by the library and checked out a few books on Dire wolf care, training, Dire wolves diet and behavior he had jotted down a lot of notes in one of his notebooks. He had decided to train them like puppies with treats and kind words, but with a firm hand so they knew who was in charge. He had a good feeling about them; they seemed eager to learn and very attentive to his commands.
He took them outside into the small courtyard behind the inn. The rain had stopped, leaving the cobblestones slick and shiny. He began with the basics, teaching them to sit, stay, and come. They were quick learners, eager to please and driven by the treats he had brought along. Their tails wagged in excitement as they caught on to each new command.
The training session grew more intense as Eric introduced the potions from the apothecary. He was careful with the dosage, not wanting to overwhelm their young systems. Shadow took the shadow core potion first, his eyes glowing a deep blue as he drank it down. Almost immediately, he began to flicker in and out of existence, his fur rippling like water in the moonlight. Eric watched with a mix of amazement and trepidation, ensuring that the pup didn't harm himself as he experimented with his newfound powers.
Snowflake, on the other hand, was given the ice core potion. As she swallowed it, her fur grew thicker, and a faint shimmer of frost appeared around her paws. She playfully nipped at the air, and Eric could see the beginnings of ice crystals forming on her breath. He knew the potential of her powers was vast, and it was his responsibility to guide her in controlling them.
The training continued with patience and persistence. Eric threw a ball for the pups to fetch, encouraging them to use their new abilities. Snowflake's speed and agility grew with each sip of the potion, her paws barely touching the ground as she darted back and forth. Shadow, however, took a bit longer to master his powers. He stumbled and crashed into things as he tried to navigate the world in and out of the shadows. Eric couldn't help but chuckle at the clumsy pup's determination.
As the days progressed, so did their skills. Eric introduced the concept of fighting in pairs, using their unique abilities to cover each other's weaknesses. Shadow would vanish into the shadows, only to reappear and nip at an imaginary foe while Snowflake would create a distraction with a blast of cold air or shoot ice shards at the imaginary foe. They weren't perfect, but Eric saw the potential in their unity.
One sunny afternoon, the trio ventured deeper into the forest for a more intense training session. The warmth of the sun seeped through the canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. Eric paused, listening intently. He heard the distant sound of water and decided it would be the perfect place for a surprise exercise. They approached a small river, its banks lined with rocks and fallen trees. This would be the ultimate test of their growing abilities.
"Alright, you two," Eric said, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "Today we're going to practice your teamwork more... challenging environment." He let a rabbit out of a small cage he had caught earlier. "Your mission is to work together to retrieve it."
The rabbit bolted the moment it saw them, zigzagging through the underbrush. Shadow took off after it, his shadowy form weaving in and out of the trees with surprising grace. Snowflake followed close behind, her breath misting in the air. Eric watched with pride as the pups put their training into practice. Shadow would vanish and reappear to cut off the rabbit's escape routes, while Snowflake sent ice shards to slow it down and to hear it. The rabbit squealed in panic, hopping erratically as it tried to dodge their attacks.

Eric Vang's Quest of the heart
FantasíaAwakened by the call of nature Eric Vang set of on an adventure to fill his long-awaited desire to travel the world, on his travels Eric will face the hardships of battle but also the love of making lifelong companion's.