Chapter 2: When morning comes with trouble.

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Holding her close as he closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep with his new friend in his embrace. Lailah would snuggle against him... closing her eyes and curling up.. sucking her thumb as she slept... Samael would cuddle with his new friend as they felt this certain relief... A soft feeling when they were close. He felt a warmth bloom inside of him as Lailah nestled against him, her soft breathes brushing his chest. As slumber took them both, Samael dreamt of golden sunsets and laughter in a realm where he wasn't alone anymore... The two children would be asleep in each other's arms till the sun rose, shining through the open balcony and windows that shines in Samael's room. The heavenly birds chirped and whistled just outside to wish the young prince and his friend a 'Good Morning'. Then the young prince's eyes fluttered opened, letting go of his new friend and taking a big stretch, letting out a yawn afterwards... his baby blue hues turned to see a sleeping Lailah... Looking so peaceful and a bit silly with her thumb in her mouth. As the first light of dawn crept into the room, Samael's eyes, though heavy with sleep, gradually opened, adjusting to the gentle morning glow. He smiled, watching the warm rays dance across Lailah's peaceful face, her thumb still tucked between her lips. The sight of her trustful slumber and the tender moment they shared swelled his heart with a deep sense of gratitude and love. He gently stroked her hair, the softness of her flowing hair a gentle caress to his fingertips. Samael smiled softly at the sight, careful not to wake her as he watched over Lailah's sleeping form. He quietly slipped out of bed, tiptoeing towards his wardrobe.

"Morning already..."

He murmured to himself, pulling out a new heavenly robe with the Morningstar sigil on the front.

"Well, guess it's time to start a new day."

Lailah would still be asleep while Samael gently shook her to wake up... She curled up and pulls the rubber duck close to her chest... Samael couldn't help but make a small chuckle, with a soft, gentle touch, Samael shook Lailah awake, his voice soft spoken when talking to her.

"It's time to wake up. The sun has risen, and all of Heaven's wonders await us."

He coaxed, his words a gentle nudge to rouse her from slumber. He smiled as he watched her eyelids flutter open, her bright, curious gaze slowly focusing on his concerned and loving face.

"How are you feeling today, Lailah? Ready for your first day to see Heaven and all its adventures?"

He asked, his voice warm with enthusiasm, as he helped her sit up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Lailah would still be asleep while Samael gently shook her to wake up... She curled up and pulls the rubber duck close to her chest... Samael couldn't help but make a small chuckle, he couldn't resist the adorable sight of her clutching onto the little duck.

"Lailah... wake up... It's morning and I want to take you to see all of Heaven."

He said gently, nudging her shoulder lightly... Lailah's body shifted a little and slowly sits up. Making a small yawn and stretched... rubbing her eyes but she looks up at Samael with some sleepy eyes..


A small sleepy but genuine smile formed on Lailah. Being happy to see it was Samael who she got to see in the morning. Samael's face lit up with a warm, radiant smile as he gazed at Lailah, his eyes sparkling with delight.

"Hey, good morning, Lailah."

He replied, his voice filled with affection... Within just 7 hours, he's already caring for this young angel... Tilting his head to the side a little.

"Did you sleep well?.. I was hoping I could take you and see what Heaven is like?"

He reached out to gently tousle her hair, the gesture playful and endearing.

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