Chapter One

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Mrunali went to the mall with her sister, Meera, her best friend, Anjali, and their cousin, Neha.

Their plan was to have a mixture of a girl's day out and finally find Mrunali a boyfriend since she'd never been in a relationship up to that point.

Yes, at the depressing age of 18, Mrunali had never had so much as a Valentine. No first kiss. No high school sweetheart. No secret admirer. Nothing. While her friends and sister effortlessly drew male attention with their graceful steps in colourful dupattas, Mrunali preferred to retreat to the background, hiding behind oversized glasses and shapeless kurtas.

Part of her reluctance to put herself out there stemmed from the cruel taunts she'd endured over the years, ranging from jibes about her unruly hair to jokes about her sturdy build. As much as her inner voice urged her to stand up to her tormentors, Mrunali found it easier to turn the other cheek and escape into her books and studies.

Maybe today will be different, she mused, examining her freshly painted mehendi as the bus rumbled down the street. Meera, Anjali and Neha animatedly discussed potential outfits and makeup choices for her first date.

Mrunali almost snorted in response. As if clothes or cosmetics could cover up her clown feet or mane of untamable curls. Even if, by some miracle, a lovely boy approached her, the minute he glimpsed her actual face and body sans filters, he would turn heel and flee like the rest. Only her academic achievements held any value in her eyes, and she clung to them as her ticket out of this town.

Still, a small voice inside nudged her not to be so quick to dismiss her friends and family's efforts. Their hearts were in the right place, even if their methods were misguided at times. And if miracles did happen, this could be the day her luck turned around.

The slightest chance of finding companionship spurred Mrunali's nerves as Meera turned to her, brushing back a lock of silky hair. "Mrunali, cheer up, yaar! We'll make sure at least three cute boys get your number today. I heard Rahul from tuition will be at the mall..."

Mrunali offered her twin a thin smile, fighting back the part of her that resented Meera's blessed genetics. Focus on having an open mind today; she coached herself. Meera means well. Maybe Anjali's flirty charm or Neha's eye-catching style will finally rub off on you. This could be your moment to shine...if you let it.

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