Chapter Eleven

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Mrunali sank onto a bench outside the mall security office, exhaustion seeping into her bones. The coffee clutched in her trembling hands had long gone cold, but she barely noticed. Her mind still struggled to process the night's alarming events after giving her statement to the officers.

Beside her, a subdued Meera huddled under a blanket, face pale and eyes swollen from a good long cry once the adrenaline and alcohol wore off. Fresh outrage simmered in Mrunali at how close her reckless twin had come to real danger thanks to those vile boys.

Meera met her searing gaze with one of shame and remorse. "Mrunu, please, enough head pounds enough right now," she pleaded hoarsely. She looked so small and contrite that Mrunali felt her frustration soften. Meera was the elder twin after all; she could chide herself well enough over this incident.

With a resigned sigh, Mrunali wrapped a forgiving arm around her sister, who immediately slumped against her, emotionally and physically spent. "Promise you'll be more careful who you trust?" Mrunali murmured into her hair.

Meera nodded, fresh tears slipping down her cheeks. "Today when that boy wouldn't let me go...and I saw how scared you looked..." She trailed off, choking back a sob. "I never want to be so weak and foolish again."

Mrunali gave her shoulders a fierce, proud squeeze. "You've endured enough for one night. Those cowards won't ever lay a hand on any girl if I have a say!" Just then, their parents hurried in, faces etched with worry. Profuse apologies and tearful family embraces followed before the exhausted group headed gratefully for home.

Settling into the backseat with her slumbering sister, Mrunali gazed out at the city lights floating past. She sent up a prayer of thanks for protecting her loved ones that night. And she marvelled at the fearsome side of herself that emerged from lifelong suppression when backed into a corner. With newfound wonder, she realized the meek Mrunali she presented to the world only told half the story...

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