Chapter Ten

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Panic roared in Mrunali's ears, nearly drowning out her cousin Neha's shrill cries for help. Heart hammering against her ribs, Mrunali frantically weighed their limited options.

Meera sagged limply in her drunk captor's embrace, head lolling alarmingly to one side. The other leering boys crept closer, backing Mrunali against the fountain's granite wall. Anjali shrieked threats from her awkward perch atop the statue, but her words slurred ineffectually.

Mrunali's pulse pounded as she watched helplessly while a smug grin twisted the ringleader's mouth. His grip visibly tightened on Meera as his free hand began roaming places that made Mrunali see red.

Years of torment and humiliation kindled an inferno inside Mrunali, burning away any remaining fear. A soul deep rage toward cruel injustice roared to life...the same primal fury she felt the day blood rained down on her tormentors. Something vicious and feral reared up, shattering her helpless paralysis.

With visions of tearing the filthy boy limb from limb, Mrunali let loose a chilling cry and launched herself straight at him. Catching him off guard, she sank her teeth into the soft flesh of his wrist, still groping her sister.

Howling in shock and pain, the boy released Meera, who crumbled bonelessly onto the tiles. Chaos erupted as Mrunali whipped around, fingers curled into claws, fully prepared to rake the skin from the other boys' faces. To her shock, she glimpsed their retreating forms instead.

Somehow, amidst the chaos, Neha had slipped away and returned with mall security in tow. Relief coursed through Mrunali's veins, her wild fury ebbing as she realized the ordeal was over. The boys would be held accountable for their reprehensible behaviour. And she had successfully unleashed her inner warrior at last.

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