Chapter Three

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Mrunali blinked back the tears that sprang unbidden to her eyes. She would not give that worthless boy the satisfaction of seeing how deeply his careless words cut. Beside her, Anjali, Neha and even Meera shook with indignation.

"How dare he?! The absolute nerve!" Neha burst out while Anjali spun to lock fiery eyes on the boy's retreating figure.

"I have half a mind to march right over there and tell him exactly where he can shove his chaperone comments!" she fumed. Only Meera's restraining arm on hers kept the incensed girl from bolting from her seat.

"Those idiots aren't worth the trouble," Meera soothed her friend, though her jaw clenched tight with anger on her twin's behalf. She turned worried eyes to Mrunali, who sat stone-faced, arms crossed protectively over her midsection.

"Mrunu, please ignore those fools. Don't let their cruel words ruin what's supposed to be a fun day for us!" Meera pleaded gently. When Mrunali remained silent, staring blankly ahead, Meera tried again.

"Come on, Yaar! We still have to check out the new boutiques that opened. I heard they have chic anarkalis on sale!" At the mention of shopping, Neha perked up, ready to shift the energy after the unpleasant encounter. Looping her arm through Mrunali's, she stood abruptly, tugging her cousin to her feet.

"Chalo, ladies! Our mission today is to make sure Mrunali knocks the socks off anyone who crosses her path, isn't it?" Though still shaken, Mrunali managed a small, grateful smile for her cousin's unwavering support.

As the girls gathered their purses and headed for the shops, Mrunali took a deep, bracing breath. She refused to let some immature boy's thoughtless comments ruin this day with her dear ones. What did it matter if she never resembled her sister's graceful elegance or her friends' striking looks? At the end of the day, she had their loyalty, respect, and love - blessings those boys would never have experienced with their rotten attitudes.

Squaring her shoulders, Mrunali strode forward, a new sense of purpose awakening inside. So what if she never attracted a boy's attention or fulfilled society's unrealistic beauty ideals? She had everything she needed right here. This was HER day, and she wouldn't waste another minute worrying what strangers thought about her!

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