Chapter Eighteen

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Mrunali's screams echoed through the deathly silent house as she collapsed to her knees amidst the shattered glass. Hot tears splashed down her cheeks while her father stood motionless still clutching the vicious letter.

The unthinkable had come to pass - all desperate efforts at concealing her scarlet secrets proved for nought. Malevolent Akash somehow uncovered enough sinister threads from her shadowed past to craft a pretty damning tale indeed. Blackmail and extortion she anticipated from the depraved boy, but cruelly invoking her innocent family crossed unforgivable lines.

Heart hammering against her ribs, Mrunali raised glassy eyes to her father's stony countenance. "Papa, please!" she choked out through panicked sobs. "I cannot defend against whatever vile accusations that monster made, but I beg you on my life not to let this break us!"

When Papa remained stoically mute, Mrunali struck her chest with balled fists, her cry ragged with tormented anguish. "Strike me instead for any pain I brought you! I will do whatever needed to protect my family now...even if that means disappearing from your lives forever!"

At this, her father finally stirred, stone facade crumbling as he enfolded his only daughter in a fierce, crushing embrace. Great heaving sobs racked his frame as he rocked the bewildered girl on the glass-littered floor.

"Forgive this old fool for doubt even creeping into my mind..." he rasped into her hair, his warm tears mingling with her own. "You are flesh of my flesh, joy of my heart! No cowardly puppet master pulls strings between us."

He pulled back, gripping Mrunali firmly by both shoulders, profound sorrow and conviction burning equally in his eyes. "We three will stand united and face this monster and any other threat against you, my brave girl. This I swear to you - the gods themselves cannot tear our family asunder!"

Mrunali wept in stunned relief and gratitude, the dam of tension and fear finally shattering in her father's unconditional embrace. Collecting her tenderly against his chest once more, he stroked her hair with infinite tenderness, a silent promise that his devoted daughter would walk this treacherous path never alone again.

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