Chapter Twenty Three

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Heart thundering inside her ribs, Mrunali watched the remote decoy servers light up in rapid sequence as Akash took the bait, breaching one phantom portal after another in his single-minded quest to reclaim squandered glory.

Tracks covered, he doubtlessly believed this covert midnight run would gift him yet more potent ammunition from Mrunali's classified records at her expense. Little did the arrogant snake guess he instead delivered himself straight into the cunning panther's steel jaws, too intoxicated by hubris to realize she now stared straight down his throat from the very portals he hijacked.

As Akash landed predictably in the final decoy server, Mrunali's breath seized in her chest...his IP address blinked unmasked before her hungry eyes! The crucial means to geolocate his physical location without alerting her mark to the stealth counteroffensive she just launched.

Fingers flying across the keys, she quickly fed the exposed IP into a GPS tracking converter. Within seconds, shocking results nearly floored her—Akash physically fed the attacks from a proxy server situated right in her bustling metro area! He had never actually fled the city as reputed years ago but slyly watched Mrunali's movements up close all this time, waiting to strike.

Cold dread crept down her spine considering how closely this serpentine foe observed his target despite all her efforts believing exile kept him safely at bay. She must act swiftly before he slithered back under obscuring cover! Now armed with his precise locale, Mrunali raced towards the cloak of night with breathless resolve, Akash's last mistake steering her straight to his hidden lair tonight!

Three hours later found Mrunali stealthily canvassing the industrial warehouse district, seeking the condemned structure matching coordinates delivered. As she skirted rusty gates and crumbling alleyways, foreign sensations of hunting rather than hunted quickened her pulse for the pending confrontation.

As the decrepit husk of a defunct bottling factory emerged, Mrunali clenched her chattering teeth, squaring her shoulders with limitless intent. She and Akash would settle unfinished business behind those graffitied walls once and for all!

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