Chapter 3

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**Chapter Three: The Return**

Jentai Banz

"Congratulations on winning first place in the Age Swordsmen Competition!" came the announcement amidst loud applause.

Jentai walked from the front seats to the stage to receive the first-place award, having achieved the highest score with a total of 8 victories and one loss.

Principal: "Jentai has officially graduated from the Southern Martial Arts School. He is an extraordinary talent, and I hope he will use his talent for the right side."

Vice Principal: "Yes, sir. He has endurance that surpasses his peers, even those older than him. He is a smart boy. His potential was evident when his uncle first brought him to this school. He was calm compared to his peers. I still remember that day as if it were yesterday."


Trees, plants, and a light breeze in the atmosphere of the Southern Martial Arts School. The new school year has begun, and students are arriving from all southern and northern provinces. Although there is a Northern Martial Arts School, the Southern Martial Arts School remains distinguished, with the only competitor being the Duelists' Academy, its sole rival.

Usually, the Southern School begins by admitting students at the age of three to train in the basics of martial arts and fencing together. The Southern School is unique among other schools for accepting very young children, such as those aged two or three, with mental talents, and it also distinguishes itself by teaching students both martial arts and fencing. This feature is exclusive to this school. Other schools may accept two-year-olds but only under special conditions and not universally. The school years are divided into four stages, each lasting two years.

Jentai Banz, a first-year student who has not yet turned three, was exceptionally talented. He was able to solve complex math problems at the age of one, spoke some sentences, and easily remembered what he heard. Despite his slender build, he had a strong physique, with sharp eyebrows, a round face, and black hair. He loved mathematics, learning languages, and solving puzzles. He started his first year at this school, and from the beginning, he defeated all the students in his class, even breaking the arm of one of his four-year-old classmates. However, the administration did not punish him due to his young age but warned him against causing trouble.

Jentai went to school every day accompanied by one of his neighbors named Ransi. One day, he and his friend Ransi went to the Southern School.

Ransi: "Jentai, you broke one of your classmates' arms just a week ago. You should be careful not to do something dangerous. The school administration is very strict."

Jentai: "Okay, I didn't intend to break his arm."

Ransi: "I know you didn't mean it. You have a good heart."

Jentai: "But I also wanted to break his legs, but the teacher stopped me."

Ransi, surprised: "What! You fool, watch your actions. You might get expelled one day if you repeat the same thing."

Jentai: "You're saying the same thing that boy said before I broke his arm."

Ransi: "You fool, I'm four years older than you. You're young compared to me, but you have more talent."

Jentai: "Here we are at the school. We should greet the teacher and go in."

Ransi: "Yes, let's go."

(Ransi Enger is a foreign-born boy aged 6 years in the second stage and is one of the school's distinguished talents. His father is one of the teachers at a government school.)

When Jentai entered the classroom, he found all the students glaring at him with hatred and malice, but he ignored them and proceeded to his assigned seat, waiting for the class to start.

Then the class teacher, Mr. Nai, who teaches the first stage and holds the rank of Honorary Fighter, introduced himself: "I am Mr. Nai, the first stage teacher and an Honorary Fighter. Welcome. After learning the basic fundamentals last week from your previous teacher, today I will begin teaching you about the levels."

Levels are of two types: rank and degree.

The rank represents a higher level, unlike the degree, which represents a lower level.

Are there any questions?

One student: "Yes, teacher."

Teacher: "Go ahead."

One student: "When you introduced yourself, you mentioned your rank differently from how you're explaining it now."

The teacher responded admiringly: "You are Nami Slone, aren't you?"

"Yes, teacher."

The teacher spoke quietly: "The previous teacher told me about two distinguished students, and one of them was Nami."

The teacher began to explain why he introduced himself differently. The situation is similar to military ranks; a three-star officer is called a Captain, while one star is called a Lieutenant. Similarly, in ranking strength, a person with three ranks is called Honorary Rank, and there are five stages or degrees between each rank. Thus, a person with rank three, degree one is stronger than a person with rank three, degree two. Today, I will explain some terminologies. A person with rank one is called a Beginner because he has just started his journey of ranks, rank two is called Intermediate, rank three is called Honorary, rank four is called Distinguished, and rank five is called Outstanding. That's enough information for today.

Afterwards, Mr. Nai began to explain some movements and training methods suitable for their ages.

The school bell rang.

Jentai left the classroom and wandered in the school garden. He looked at the clock and felt bored. He went to look for Ransi, but when he found him, he saw some students bullying him. He tried to approach, but Ransi signaled him to stay away.

End of Chapter Three

"In your opinion, what will Genta do? Will he listen to his friend's advice and not intervene, or will he do the opposite?"

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