Chapter 5

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Chapter Five :
Preparing for the Challenge: Approaching the Preparatory Competition

The Sound of the Bell

After the first lesson ended, as the students headed out to the school yard, Gentai rummaged through his bag, searching for the food his mother had prepared for him, which was the only thing left in the classroom.

Gentai was pleased to find his food, which was ramen, and he headed to the garden. As he was walking, he saw the same scene with Ranse and the bullies, but this time they were all smiling and laughing together

Ranse passed by him, casting a sly glance, and went off with the bullies until the bell rang, signaling the end of the break, and they returned to their classes. Meanwhile, while Teacher Nai was explaining to the students in the first grade, the supervisor entered with five students and said:

"I apologize for the interruption, Mr. Nai, but there is something important that requires us to disrupt the lesson. We have a report about stolen notebooks and some items from students' bags, and we are required to search the students' bags as well as the students themselves." The supervisor glanced at the students accompanying him and nodded, prompting three of them to start searching the desks and then the students and their belongings. They found nothing in the first and second grades, and when they reached the third grade, they began at the first desk, which happened to be Gentai's desk.

Gentai remained calm and handed over his bag quietly. While the student who searched him found nothing, the student who searched his bag found the stolen notebooks and items that had gone missing in Gentai's bag. Gentai was shocked, looking at the student next to the supervisor (who was Ranse), while everyone was staring at Gentai. Gentai glared at Ranse, who was grinning wickedly with a slight, malevolent smile.

The events shift back to Ranse and Nari.

Nari: "What are his terms, and will I agree to them?"

Ranse approached and said, "I know you're thinking of a way to get back at Gentai. My condition is either expulsion of Gentai from the school or tarnishing his reputation throughout the school."

Ranse knew that Nari was the grandson of the school owner, so he naturally understood the rules better than anyone. Nari thought for a moment and said, "Two years ago, when I was in the second grade, a student stole some items. The theft was announced throughout all grades, and I never saw his face again. Even if he isn't expelled, he can't remain in a place where he's seen as a thief."

Ranse found this idea intriguing and decided to execute his plan to frame Gentai by placing stolen items from another student into Gentai's bag. However, he also considered the purpose of the theft-items that wouldn't benefit him directly. They couldn't steal money since students carry it with them and don't leave it in the classroom. Therefore, Ranse decided to steal a notebook from a second-grade student, which was highly useful for first-grade students, and it would also suggest that Gentai was cheating due to his advanced information. It was a devilish plan for someone not even ten years old. All the fingers of accusation pointed at Gentai, who was stunned.

The supervisor asked Gentai to explain himself in front of the students, giving him one last chance, but Gentai had nothing to say. It was the first time he had fallen victim to a conspiracy, and he knew there was no argument or evidence to prove his innocence, so he chose silence over worsening the situation.

The supervisor sighed and said, "So, you have nothing to say. Come to the principal's office. Pack your things and follow me." The supervisor left with the students who were with him. As Gentai packed his things, students began throwing things at him-pens, papers, and books-until one of them threw his bag and hit him in the head. Teacher Nai shouted at them to calm down and stop, but first-grade student Nami Slawn spoke arrogantly, "Teacher, why are you defending this cheater? He deserves to be expelled."

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