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I was laid on the bed waiting for Luke to come back from rehearsals when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered with what people call my "sweet and innocent" voice I use when I don't know who person I'm talking to is.

"Baby." Luke's voice sounded through the phone. "What are you doing right now?"

"Just laying down, what are you doing? Is everything all right?"

"Everything's fine, I was actually calling to see if you wanted to go on a date with me tonight? Fifty Shades of Grey just came out." He joked.

I but my lip. "Mr. Grey is pretty hot, I might go." I teased.

Luke huffed. "I'm totally hotter than him, don't even play."

"Sure, sure, whatever makes you feel better. What time will you be picking me up for this 'date'?" I asked.

"Around eightish-ish, dress comfortably, like jeans and a tee shirt or something."

"Alright see you soon, what time are you coming home?"

"I'll be there around seven."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Alright well I love you."

"I love you too. bye."



"Michael." I whined to my best friend.

"What you stinky breathed dragon?" Michael snarled, wrinkling his nose in disgust.

I pouted out my bottom lip and crossed my arms over my chest. "I missed you."

He looked at me with a huff before patting the spot on the bed next to him. I crawled over and cuddled up into his side. People say that Michael sleeps way to much and they're completely right, I remember coming home to our old apartment around two pm and finding him still asleep, but they don't know that Michael smells like a god even after not showering for two days.

"Are you sniffing me?" Michael laughed.

"You smell good!" I defended myself..

"Calum!" Michael yelled. The dark haired boy walked into the room with pouted lips and a severe case of bed head. Cal glanced at me briefly as I cuddled closer Michael then he flopped down on the other half of the bed.

Michael kissed the top of his head and whispered something in his ear before looking back at me as he twisted Calum's hair between his fingers. "Didn't Luke plan on taking you on a date tonight?" He questioned with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, he said to dress casual and that he'd pick me up at a time that I don't remember." I said.

"You can't even remember the time, women what am I going to do with you." Mike exaggerated.

I rolled my eyes and pulled the blanket up on my body. "You're gonna let me take a nap in your bed, wake me up around 5 ish, help me get ready then send me off on my way with Luke."

"You're a needy little thing." Michael whined. "But okay."

I smiled in triumph before curling up around the blanket, giving Calum a chance to cuddle completely with his boyfriend and falling asleep.


"Nevaeh, you need to get up you lazy fuck." Someone whined again and shook my hip.

I groaned and opened my eyes, seeing Michael standing over me with a un-pleased look on his face. "I called Luke and he said he was coming to get you at eight and it's now six forty-five, get your ass in the shower within sixty seconds or I'm going to kill you. Okay? Okay." He said then stalked off out of the room.

I threw my head back down on the bed and groaned, someone woke up on the wrong side if the bed.

After showering and getting dressed in a white muscle tank, black skinny jeans and white conversation I walked towards mine and Luke's room. It was now eight oh five and Luke should be here any moment so I started tidying up the room, making the bed, putting clothes away and organizing the sketch books that were cluttered around the bed side table.

"Hi baby." Luke smiled as he entered the room. I loved it when he wore dark colors and today he was wearing black skinny jeans, black vans, black braclets, black sunglasses and his white muscle tank that said 'misfits' on it.

"Hey." I walked over and kissed him softly.

"Are you ready to go? We've gotta be there in twenty minutes or we're gonna be late."

"Where are we going?"

He smirked at me. "It's a surprise."

It turns out Luke's definition of a surprise is the movies that I should've caught onto considering he basically told me what we were going to watch over the phone. "Christian Grey still has no competition with though, right babe." Luke whispered as the first sex scene came on, his hand traveling down towards my thigh.

I smirk. "I guess not."

In the middle of dinner my phone rings loudly, Michael's familiar ring tone catching the attention of others around us. "Sorry." I rushed as I picked up my phone and walked out of the restaurant. I answered the phone and prepared myself to yell at him for interrupting my date when he probably only had to tell me about a new pizza type that just come out but stopped myself when I heard crying.

"Mikey, what's wrong?" I asked softly.

More sobbing was heard as a gust of wind came by causing me to wrap my coat, well Luke's coat, around myself tighter.

"I-I don't know how it happened but somehow they- they got pictures and they posted them and now everyone knows-" Michael let out another cry.

"Calm down, you're not going to get anywhere unless you're calm." I said softy. His sobbing decreased until he was barley crying at all. "Now tell me what happened."

"They found out about me and Calum. A link was tweeted to both me Cal over a million times by fans everywhere asking if it was true and so I clicked on it and-" His voice broke and he let out another sob. "There we where. I showed Cal and he just got up and left, he won't answer my calls or texts and I just don't know what to do! What if he leave me, Nevaeh I don't think I can go through that! I need Calum here with me and he's just - he's just not here!"

"I'll find him, okay? But for now you're gonna hang out with Luke."

"Okay just hurry please, I need to know he's alright."

"It's gonna be fine I promise, I love you Mikey okay?"

"I love you too."


So Wattpad won't let me publish smut. I'm kinda pissed. I got my lip pierced though! And I just got out of school woohoo! So hopefully I'll be updating more...


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