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Luke Hemmings P.O.V.

My hands shake and the phone drops out of my hand, making a loud clinking noise but not breaking.

What the hell is happening?

I run towards the left side of the bed and pull my suitcase out from under the bed. Jeans, t shirts, toiletries, and electronics roam around the bag, but one thing in particular catches my eye,

A photo album.

Nevaeh decorated the front cover, rain covering her cloths, making them damp as she pouted at me.

"Lucas!" Nevaeh screeched as she pounded on the door.

"Yes boo?" I sang, watching her from the window.

The lock on the front door jiggled as Nevaeh tried to pick the lock. She's so cute when she's mad!

"Luke." She dragged, pounding the door again.

I rolled my eyes before giving in and unlocking the door. She stood there with her arms crossed over her chest and her bottom lip jetted out in a pout.

My phone snapped a picture of her and I ran off, despite her protests.

"I hate you Hemmings!" She screamed, then slammed the bathroom door shut. I rolled my eyes and flopped down onto the bed, letting the fluff of the comforter surround my body.

"Awe babe, come out here!" I chuckled.

A huffing noise was heard then she came out, a new t shirt on with only under wear underneath.

I raised an eyebrow. "Sexy."

She rolled eyes at me before crawling on top of me and placing her lips on mine.

My hands trembled. What the hell?

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