Chapter Twenty Two

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The garden seemed too quiet without someone beside me, but the silence gave me time to think. About everything.

How did Jace so easily infiltrate Grayson's operation? If he did, they, although I'm not sure who 'they' is, must have had more implants. I wonder why they're hidden if they're doing something good.

So far, the playing field seems to be divided with four possible teams:

-These barn rebel people

-Grayson's crew

-All those oblivious

-The government

The government must have some roll in this, although I don't know what. If they support Grayson, nowhere will be safe in the United States. Although, it would make the most sense, as they somehow got Mr. Calvir to send me to the office at the exact moment Jace was waiting.

Suddenly, I hear glass crack and shatter near me. Somehow I had wandered to a secluded corner of the garden, and the walls and ceiling around me collapsed on me. I screeched in pain as glass cut deep into my skin. I dragged myself out, glass cutting deeper and deeper. My arms were especially bloodied, as I had shed my long-sleeved jacket.

I managed to pull myself toward an unbroken pot, getting into a standing position. I slowly started to hobble to the door to the barn. If I can just find Jace....

Large hands wrapped around each of my arms, pressing down on some of my cuts. I screamed then started flailing around. The guards stumbled around, trying to contain me. Adrenaline fueled me on as I tried to fight free. Somehow, I nailed a guard right where it hurt, but more guards just replaced him. I suddenly looked up, seeing Jace. I stopped for a second, and the guards got a firm grip on my arms. Jace started toward me, but Grayson stepped out of the bushes.

I tried to squirm free as Grayson's gun was pointed at Jace, but my previous fight had exhausted me. I tuned out their conversation, in too much pain to focus. The only words I heard and somewhat processed were "Shoot her." I tried to look up, but my head sagged with fatigue.

I waited to feel a bullet enter my flesh. The guards left my side, leaving me swaying on my feet. Searing pain consumes my arm, as the guards once again took their places on either side of me. I tried to clutch my arm to stop the bleeding, but I was just held tighter. I eventually gave up, going limp. Another gun shot, but I didn't see who had been shot.

As one last attempt, I feebly lifted my head long enough to see blood gushing from Grayson's stomach. Yay...... I thought lazily. I felt myself strapped into a chair, then we're moving. I forced my head to shift, looking at Jace. My head rolled forward, and I pass out.

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