Chapter Twenty Seven

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I wake up after, but something feels different. Weren't they just taking out the signal scramblers?

A sudden wave of nausea washed over me, and I leaned over the bed, puking onto the floor. My head started to spin, as pain washed over my body.

"Sorry Adria." Grayson.

"Uuuuuuhhhhmmmmm." I groaned.

"The entire refacing and recreation process can be painful, but the results are flawless." The last word carried a certain fascination.

"Whaaaaa?" I moaned, confused. Recreation?

"Adria, I have successfully taken out your abilities. You lost."

He strutted out. "And Adria. I have no use for this laboratory anymore, and I have no use for you. Prepare to die."

I tried to move as he left, tried to throw myself at him, but drugs coursed through my body, paralyzing me. Prepare to die....

Shouts rang through the hallway, as an alarm was pulled. An automated voice recording started playing on a repeated loop. "Self destructing in five minutes. All personnel please evacuate the building. Self destructing in four minutes and fifty six seconds. All personnel please evacuate the building. Self destructing in four minutes and fifty two seconds. All personnel please evacuate the building."

Gunfire echoed through the hallway, as a premature explosion shook the room. "ADRIA!" A voice shouted above it all.

"Here!" I tried to yell, but it came out sounding like 'Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'.

"ADRIA! WE'RE COMING. JUST WAIT FOR A FEW MOMENTS." I somehow found the strength to start screaming. My headache started multiplying as I shrieked, but I didn't care. An unfamiliar blond haired boy raced in, then picked me up, his arms supporting my back and knees.

"I GOT HER!" he yelled, and I winced at the sound.

He raced out, the walls blurring past. Before I knew it, I had been loaded into a van. "Don't worry Adria." he said to me quietly. "You'll be better soon, and I'll be here for you."

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