Chapter Twenty Six

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John had ended his call about an hour ago, promising a prison break in a few days at most. But in a few days it will be too late. I could feel that something was wrong, that it would soon be too late to do anything.

Grayson was no idiot. He obviously knew that RAINS wanted Adria as much, if not more, than him. He would try to act fast. If anything, the signal scramblers would slow him down by a little bit. Implanting them took a ton of time and money, so they better help us out.

I heard the door to this prison area open, and a faint sound of something dragging against the concrete. The cell door across from me opened, and something hit against the back wall. I rushed forward, and the guard laughed at my reaction, before walking away.

"Dad!" I said.

"Who is that?" said a rough voice, deeper than my dad's voice.

"Umm, I'm Jace."

"I," he paused, grunting, and could tell he was in pain. "I don't know you."

"Then where's my dad?"

"I don't know. But I saw another guy being dragged down the hall by two guards. His head was down, and he had a lot of blood in his hair. I think he was unconscious, but he might have been dead."


I was awoken later, having fallen asleep on the itchy cot provided in the corner of the room. A guard was roughly shoving my shoulder. "Get up." he said loudly.

I groaned as I rolled over, but complied, continuing to sit up, then stand as the guard handcuffed me. I was jerked away. Doors blurred past as I was pulled down a long corridor. Eventually, we entered a large room with a window into another room. Adria was laying, unconscious, on a table, covered by a sheet, ready for surgery.

I was dragged to a chair, and my wrists and ankles were cuffed to the chair. A surgeon entered with a fleet of nurses following, ready to begin. I started to tug at my restraints, but soon found it pointless, as the chair was bolted to the floor.

A scalpel was brandished, and lowered to make an incision on her wrist. Blood started to flow, and a tube was connected to that, stopping blood flow. Another made on her other wrist, and an identical tube was similarly attached.

"DNA extractor." Grayson said from behind me, though no matter how much I tried to turn my head, I had a hard time moving, and therefore couldn't see him. "My seller confirmed the deal a week ahead of schedule, and now that your puny scramblers are out, it is safe to extract her genetic mutation."

Extract! A week ahead of schedule?!  Grayson had gotten to her first, and now I had to watch.

Adria now had tubes connecting to her chest, neck, and head. All nurses cleared out, the surgeon following, leaving Adria alone in the room. "I think you'll find this part of the operation very interesting." Grayson was now right beside my, his breath brushing against my ear.

All of the lights in the room shut off. A faint whirring started, continuing to pick up until it was pretty loud. The tubes started to glow blue, and Adria started to change.

Her nose started to melt, her lips sticking together then disappearing completely, her eyelids closing then disappearing much like her mouth. Her hair started to fall out, then disintegrate as soon as it hit the ground. All birthmarks and freckles faded away, until it wasn't Adria laying on that table, but a featureless, human shaped blob.

I soon realized I had started crying, tears slipping silently down my face.

"Don't worry. Once her DNA is analyzed and altered properly, it will be injected back into her. She will be back to Adria." Grayson assured. "Somewhat."

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